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How Often Do You Need To Groom a Shiba Inu?

Written by: Ejay Camposano
A college graduate with a degree in Electrical Engineering, Ejay has a diverse background that combines technical expertise with a passion for pets and is now one of the content writers at IHD. Read more
| Published on November 9, 2023

The Shiba Inu, with its fox-like appearance and agile physique, is a breed that captivates with both beauty and spirited character. Originating from Japan, this breed has a double coat that requires specific grooming techniques to maintain its distinct look and ensure its comfort. This article will outline the frequency and methods of grooming a Shiba Inu, addressing their unique needs and maintaining their trademark ‘Shiba scream’ at bay during grooming sessions.

1. Understanding the Shiba Inu’s Coat

The Shiba Inu possesses a double coat, with a stiff and straight outer coat and a soft and thick undercoat. This combination allows them to adapt to various climates but comes with considerable grooming responsibilities, especially during shedding seasons.

2. Brushing: More Than Just Aesthetics

Brushing a Shiba Inu should be done several times a week to reduce shedding and maintain coat health. A slicker brush, a bristle brush, and a metal comb are ideal for getting through their thick fur and removing dead hair without irritating the skin.

3. Bathing: Not Too Little, Not Too Much

Shiba Inus do not need frequent baths and typically can be bathed every three to four months unless they are visibly dirty or smelly. Over-bathing can strip their coat of natural oils, so it’s important to use a gentle, dog-formulated shampoo when you do bathe them.

4. Nail Trimming: A Delicate Dance

Maintaining your Shiba Inu’s nails is important for their overall health and comfort. Nail trimming should be done every 1-2 months, depending on how quickly their nails grow and how much natural wear they get from their environment.

5. Ear Care: Essential for Health

Weekly ear checks are important to prevent the buildup of wax and debris, which can lead to infections. Use a vet-approved ear cleaner and a cotton ball or soft cloth to gently clean the outer ear area.

6. Dental Hygiene: An Often-Overlooked Necessity

Dental health is vital for Shiba Inus. Brush their teeth several times a week with a toothbrush and toothpaste formulated for dogs to prevent tartar and plaque buildup.

7. The Seasonal Shed: A Shiba Inu Event

Shiba Inus are infamous for their “blow coat” periods, where they shed their undercoat twice a year. During these times, daily brushing becomes essential to manage the increased volume of loose fur.

8. Grooming Tools: The Shiba Inu Kit

The right tools can make grooming a Shiba Inu much more effective. Include a description of the best types of brushes, combs, shampoos, and other grooming tools that work best for Shiba Inu’s coat type.

9. Professional Grooming: When to Consider It

While Shiba Inus can be groomed at home, the article should discuss when it might be necessary to seek the services of a professional groomer, such as during their heavy shedding periods or for a thorough cleaning.

10. Grooming as a Behavioral Exercise

Grooming a Shiba Inu can also serve as an excellent behavioral exercise, promoting bonding and teaching patience. Discuss the benefits of regular grooming sessions beyond the physical aspects.

11. Unique Grooming Challenges

Each Shiba Inu may present unique grooming challenges, whether it’s sensitivity to brushing or a propensity for quick dirtiness. Address these potential issues and offer solutions.


Grooming a Shiba Inu is an integral part of their care routine. Not only does it keep their coat clean and tangle-free, but it also serves as an opportunity for owners to check on the overall health of their pets. Regular grooming sessions can help prevent common issues such as matting during shedding seasons and provide a chance to bond with your Shiba Inu, making it an enjoyable experience for both the dog and the owner. With the right approach, grooming can ensure that your Shiba Inu looks and feels their best.


Frequently Asked Questions About Grooming An Shiba Inu

1. How often should I brush my Shiba Inu?

Brush your Shiba Inu at least twice a week under normal circumstances to keep your coat healthy and reduce shedding. During shedding seasons, which occur twice a year, you may need to brush them daily to manage the increased volume of loose fur and prevent matting.

2. What type of brush is best for a Shiba Inu?

A slicker brush is great for the general grooming of a Shiba Inu. For times of heavy shedding, using an undercoat rake can help remove the dead undercoat more efficiently. Always be gentle to avoid irritating the skin.

3. How often should a Shiba Inu be bathed?

Shiba Inus should be bathed every three to four months, as they are relatively clean dogs and their coat repels dirt well. However, if your Shiba Inu gets particularly dirty or starts to emit an odor, you may increase the bathing frequency.

4. How can I minimize shedding in my Shiba Inu?

Regular and thorough brushing is the most effective way to minimize shedding in Shiba Inus, especially during their biannual shedding periods. Providing a balanced diet with the right nutrients can also support coat health and potentially reduce excessive shedding.

5. How do I trim my Shiba Inu’s nails?

Trim your Shiba Inu’s nails every 3-4 weeks using a pair of sharp, appropriate-sized dog nail clippers or a grinder. If you can hear the nails clicking on the floor, they’re too long. Be cautious to avoid cutting the quick, which can cause pain and bleeding.

6. How should I clean my Shiba Inu’s ears?

Clean your Shiba Inu’s ears once a week with a dog-formulated ear cleaner and a soft cloth or cotton ball. Gently wipe around the outer ear, taking care not to insert anything into the ear canal to prevent damage.

7. What dental care does Shiba Inus require?

Shiba Inus requires regular dental maintenance, including brushing their teeth several times a week with canine toothpaste. This will help prevent tartar and plaque build-up, and gum disease, and contribute to overall health.

8. Can I shave my Shiba Inu in the summer to keep them cool?

You should not shave your Shiba Inu, even in the summer. Their double coat helps regulate their temperature and protects their skin. Keep them cool with shade, water, and by limiting exercise during the heat of the day.

9. How do I handle grooming if my Shiba Inu is anxious?

If your Shiba Inu is anxious during grooming, try to make the experience as positive as possible. Start with short sessions, gradually increasing the time as they become more comfortable. Use treats and praise to create positive associations with grooming.

10. How often should my Shiba Inu visit a professional groomer?

Professional grooming might be needed a few times a year, especially during the shedding seasons to help with de-shedding. Otherwise, regular grooming at home is typically sufficient if done consistently and thoroughly.

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