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How Often Do You Need To Groom a Bernese Mountain Dog?

Written by: Arlene D.
| Published on November 9, 2023

Bernese Mountain Dogs are known not only for their friendly and affectionate nature but also for their long, silky coats that require regular maintenance. Adequate grooming is crucial for their well-being, keeping their coat mat-free, managing shedding, and ensuring their skin is healthy.

1. The Bernese Coat: Understanding the Basics

Discuss the characteristics of the Bernese Mountain Dog’s double coat, which includes a thick, woolly undercoat and a longer outer coat. This section would outline how this type of coat is beneficial for the dog and what it means for grooming frequency and techniques.

2. Brushing: A Regular Commitment

A Bernese Mountain Dog should be brushed several times a week to prevent mats and tangles, and to help manage shedding. During shedding seasons, daily brushing may be necessary. Here, you’d discuss the types of brushes and combs that work best for their coat.

3. Bathing Your Bernese Mountain Dog

Bathing should be done every few months or as needed when the dog becomes dirty. This section would provide tips on the bathing process, including how to safely dry a Bernese Mountain Dog’s thick coat.

4. Nail Care: A Key Aspect of Grooming

Regular nail trimming is essential for the Bernese Mountain Dog to prevent splitting and cracking. This part would cover how often to trim their nails and the right tools to use.

5. Ear Care: Preventing Infections

Because of their floppy ears, Bernese Mountain Dogs are prone to ear infections. This section would explain how to clean their ears and what signs to look for that might indicate an infection.

6. The Importance of Dental Hygiene

Dental care is as important as coat care. This section would detail how often to brush the dog’s teeth and the types of products that are safe for Bernese Mountain Dogs.

7. Dealing with the Undercoat

The thick undercoat of a Bernese can lead to extensive shedding, especially during spring and fall. Discuss techniques for undercoat removal, such as using an undercoat rake, and how this affects the overall grooming schedule.

8. Seasonal Grooming Adjustments

Highlight how grooming needs change with the seasons, including the increased need for brushing during shedding seasons and the potential need for paw care during winter.

9. Grooming as a Bonding Experience

Grooming is not only maintenance; it’s a bonding activity. This section would discuss how regular grooming can strengthen the bond between owner and dog, and how it can be a pleasant experience for the Bernese Mountain Dog.

10. Dietary Influences on Coat Health

Discuss how a Bernese Mountain Dog’s diet can affect the health and quality of their coat, including what nutrients are particularly beneficial for maintaining a lustrous coat.

11. Professional Grooming Services: When and Why?

Sometimes, the expertise of a professional groomer is invaluable, especially for such a large breed. This section would cover the benefits of professional grooming and when it might be appropriate to seek it out.

12. Detecting Health Issues Through Grooming

Explain how grooming can be an opportunity to detect early signs of health issues, from skin problems to ticks and fleas, and the importance of regular health checks.


Regular grooming is vital for a Bernese Mountain Dog’s health and happiness. By sticking to a grooming schedule and paying attention to the unique needs of their coat, Bernese Mountain Dog owners can ensure their furry friend stays comfortable, healthy, and as beautiful as ever.


Frequently Asked Questions About Grooming A Bernese Mountain Dog

1. How often should I groom my Bernese Mountain Dog?

Grooming your Bernese Mountain Dog should be done at least once a week to maintain their thick coat. During shedding seasons, they may require more frequent grooming to manage loose fur.

2. What type of brush is best for a Bernese Mountain Dog’s coat?

A slicker brush is ideal for your Bernese Mountain Dog’s coat, as it can help detangle fur without pulling the skin. Additionally, a wide-toothed comb can be used for mat-prone areas.

3. Are Bernese Mountain Dogs prone to shedding?

Yes, Bernese Mountain Dogs are heavy shedders, especially during the change of seasons. Regular brushing can help minimize the amount of hair shed around your home.

4. How can I minimize shedding in my Bernese Mountain Dog?

To minimize shedding, maintain a regular grooming routine, provide a balanced diet, and ensure your dog is hydrated. Seasonal shedding is natural, but good care can reduce it.

5. How do I trim my Bernese Mountain Dog’s nails?

Trim your Bernese Mountain Dog’s nails using a specialized dog nail clipper or grinder. It’s important to avoid the quick, which can cause bleeding and discomfort.

6. How should I clean my Bernese Mountain Dog’s ears?

Clean your dog’s ears with a vet-approved ear cleaning solution, applying it to a cotton ball and gently wiping the inside of the ear flap and the immediate ear canal.

7. What is the best way to bathe a Bernese Mountain Dog?

Bathe your Bernese Mountain Dog in a large tub or outdoor area using lukewarm water and dog-specific shampoo, ensuring to rinse thoroughly to avoid irritation from soap residue.

8. Can I use human hair products on my Bernese Mountain Dog?

No, human hair products are not suitable for dogs as they can disrupt the natural pH balance of their skin. Always use products formulated for canine use.

9. How do I handle matting in my Bernese Mountain Dog’s coat?

For matting, use a detangling spray and a de-matting tool, working gently to avoid hurting the dog. In severe cases, seek professional grooming assistance.

10. What are some tips for grooming a Bernese Mountain Dog during winter?

During winter, pay special attention to drying your Bernese Mountain Dog thoroughly after baths to prevent chills. Also, keep their paws clean from salt and ice, which can cause dryness and cracking.

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