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How to Clean a Sheltie’s Ears

By: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| January 17, 2024

Shetland Sheepdogs, affectionately known as Shelties, are small, agile, and intelligent dogs, beloved for their loyalty and expressive faces. Part of their distinctive look includes their beautiful, pointed ears, which require regular care to maintain their health. Cleaning a Sheltie’s ears is a crucial aspect of their grooming regimen, as their ears can accumulate wax and debris, leading to potential infections and discomfort. Regular ear cleaning not only ensures the removal of dirt and wax but also provides an opportunity to check for any signs of ear problems, such as infections, mites, or foreign bodies. Understanding how to properly clean your Sheltie’s ears is essential for their overall well-being and can prevent a host of ear-related health issues.

How to Clean a Sheltie’s Ears: Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Prepare Your Supplies: Gather a canine ear cleaning solution, cotton balls or gauze, and treats for rewarding your dog.
  2. Ensure a Comfortable Environment: Choose a quiet, calm space to clean your Sheltie’s ears. This helps in keeping them relaxed during the process.
  3. Examine the Ears First: Gently check the ears for signs of irritation, redness, or odor. If you notice any of these signs, it’s best to consult with a veterinarian.
  4. Apply the Cleaning Solution: Carefully apply the ear cleaning solution into your Sheltie’s ear, filling the ear canal but avoiding putting the bottle tip directly into the ear.
  5. Massage the Ear Base: Gently massage the base of the ear for several seconds. This helps the solution to break down the wax and debris.
  6. Allow Shaking: Step back and allow your Sheltie to shake its head, helping to loosen the debris inside the ear canal.
  7. Wipe the Ears Clean: Using the cotton balls or gauze, gently wipe out the loosened debris and excess solution from the ear flap and the outer part of the ear canal.
  8. Reward Your Dog: After cleaning each ear, give your Sheltie a treat. This can help create a positive association with ear cleaning.
  9. Repeat for the Other Ear: Make sure both ears are cleaned thoroughly.

Benefits of Cleaning Your Sheltie’s Ears

  • Preventing Infections: Regular cleaning helps to remove buildup, reducing the risk of bacterial and yeast infections.
  • Early Detection of Problems: Routine cleaning allows for early detection of any issues, ensuring timely veterinary care.
  • Odor Reduction: Clean ears are less likely to develop the unpleasant smells often associated with infections.
  • Comfort: Removing debris and wax buildup keeps your Sheltie comfortable and prevents irritation and scratching.

Cleaning your Sheltie’s ears is a key component of their health care routine. It’s not only beneficial for maintaining hygiene but also crucial for preventing infections and other ear-related issues. Consistent and gentle cleaning, combined with regular monitoring, ensures that your Sheltie remains happy, healthy, and comfortable. Always approach this task with care and patience, and consult a veterinarian if you encounter any issues or are unsure about the cleaning process. Proper ear care is a simple yet vital aspect of caring for your beloved Sheltie.


Frequently Asked Questions About Cleaning A Sheltie’s Ears

1. How often should I clean my Sheltie’s ears?

The frequency of ear cleaning for Shelties can vary depending on each individual dog, but typically it should be done every 1-2 weeks. Factors such as the dog’s environment, activities, and natural wax production can influence how often their ears need cleaning. Regular cleaning is important to prevent wax and debris buildup, which can lead to infections. However, it’s crucial not to over-clean, as this can irritate the ear canal. You should regularly inspect your Sheltie’s ears for signs of dirt, wax, or irritation to determine the best cleaning schedule. If you notice excessive dirt or a bad odor, it might indicate the need for more frequent cleaning. Always consult your veterinarian if you’re unsure or if your dog has a history of ear problems.

2. What type of ear cleaner should I use for my Sheltie?

For Shelties, you should use a veterinarian-recommended ear cleaning solution specifically formulated for dogs. These solutions are designed to be gentle on the dog’s ear canal and effective at removing wax and debris. Avoid using products with harsh chemicals or alcohol, as these can cause irritation and discomfort. If your Sheltie has sensitive ears or a history of ear infections, your vet may recommend a specific type of cleaner. Using the right product is essential for safe and effective ear cleaning, and it ensures the health and comfort of your Sheltie’s ears.

3. Can I use cotton swabs to clean my Sheltie’s ears?

It’s not advisable to use cotton swabs or Q-tips deep inside your Sheltie’s ears, as they can push wax and debris further into the ear canal and potentially damage the ear drum. Instead, use a cotton ball or soft piece of gauze to gently wipe the outer part of the ear canal and the ear flap. Focus on cleaning the areas you can see; avoid inserting anything deep into the ear canal to prevent injury.

4. How can I tell if my Sheltie has an ear infection?

Signs of an ear infection in Shelties include redness and swelling inside the ear, a strong, unpleasant odor, discharge that might be yellowish or brown, and behaviors indicating discomfort, such as scratching the ear, shaking the head, or whining. In more severe cases, you might notice changes in your dog’s balance or hearing. If you observe any of these symptoms, it’s crucial to consult your veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment. Regular ear checks during cleaning can help in early detection of potential problems.

5. What is the best way to hold my Sheltie during ear cleaning?

When cleaning your Sheltie’s ears, ensure both you and your dog are comfortable. Have your Sheltie sit or stand in a calm area. Gently hold the dog’s head steady with one hand, and use the other hand to perform the cleaning. Speak in a soothing voice to keep them calm. If your Sheltie is particularly resistant or anxious, take breaks and gradually get them accustomed to the process. In some cases, having another person assist or consulting a professional for behavior tips can be beneficial. The key is to make ear cleaning a stress-free experience for your dog.

6. How deep into the ear canal should I clean?

When cleaning your Sheltie’s ears, clean only the parts you can easily see. Do not insert anything deep into the ear canal, as this could cause injury. Use a cotton ball or gauze pad soaked in ear cleaning solution to gently wipe the inside of the ear flap and the entrance to the ear canal. The goal is to remove visible dirt and wax without probing deeply into the ear.

7. Can ear cleaning prevent hearing loss in my Sheltie?

Regular ear cleaning can help prevent conditions that could lead to hearing loss in Shelties, such as chronic infections or blockages in the ear canal. However, it’s important to note that ear cleaning alone cannot prevent all causes of hearing loss, which can include age-related changes, genetic predisposition, or injuries. Consistent ear care, combined with regular veterinary check-ups, is the best approach to maintaining your dog’s ear health and hearing.

8. How should I dry my Sheltie’s ears after cleaning?

After cleaning your Sheltie’s ears, it’s important to dry them gently to prevent moisture buildup, which can lead to infections. Use a soft, dry cloth or cotton ball to gently pat the inside of the ear flap and around the entrance to the ear canal. Avoid using a hair dryer or any direct heat, as this can be too harsh. Ensure the ears are completely dry, especially if your Sheltie has had a bath or been swimming.

9. Can diet affect my Sheltie’s ear health?

Yes, diet can affect your Sheltie’s ear health. A balanced diet that supports overall health can help prevent ear problems. Some Shelties may be prone to allergies, which can manifest as ear infections. In such cases, feeding a hypoallergenic diet or a diet formulated for sensitive skin can be beneficial. Consult with your veterinarian for dietary recommendations tailored to your Sheltie’s specific health needs.

10. How can I tell if my Sheltie dislikes ear cleaning?

If your Sheltie dislikes ear cleaning, they might exhibit signs of discomfort or stress, such as whining, trying to move away, or pawing at their ears. Some may become tense or attempt to hide. It’s important to approach ear cleaning gently and make it a positive experience. Using treats and praise can help. If your dog consistently shows discomfort, consult a professional for advice on handling techniques.

11. Are Shelties more prone to ear problems than other breeds?

Shelties are not inherently more prone to ear problems than other breeds, but their ear structure can make them susceptible to issues if not properly cared for. Regular cleaning and monitoring are essential to prevent infections, especially given their size and the potential difficulty in handling. Keeping a close eye on your Sheltie’s ear health and maintaining a regular cleaning routine will help prevent infections and other ear-related issues.

12. What is the best ear cleaning solution for Shelties with sensitive ears?

For Shelties with sensitive ears, it’s best to use a gentle, hypoallergenic ear cleaning solution recommended by your veterinarian. These solutions are specifically formulated for dogs with sensitive skin and are less likely to cause irritation. They often contain soothing ingredients like aloe vera or chamomile. Avoid products with harsh chemicals or fragrances, as they can aggravate sensitive ears.

13. Can regular ear cleaning prevent balance problems in my Sheltie?

Regular ear cleaning can help prevent ear conditions that might affect your Sheltie’s balance, such as infections that reach the inner ear. Keeping the ears clean and free from blockages helps maintain their overall ear health, which is crucial for balance and coordination. However, if you notice any signs of balance issues, consult your veterinarian promptly, as these could indicate a more serious condition.

14. Can a poor grooming routine lead to chronic ear problems in Shelties?

A poor grooming routine, including infrequent or improper ear cleaning, can indeed lead to chronic ear problems in Shelties. Neglecting ear care can result in the buildup of wax and debris, leading to infections and other complications. Consistent and proper ear cleaning is vital to prevent such issues and maintain your Sheltie’s ear health.

15. Should I clean my Sheltie’s ears after swimming or bathing?

Yes, it’s advisable to clean your Sheltie’s ears after swimming or bathing. Water can enter the ear canal during these activities, creating a moist environment that can promote bacterial growth and lead to infections. After swimming or bathing, gently dry your dog’s ears with a soft towel and use a vet-recommended ear cleaner to remove any excess moisture or debris. This helps keep your dog’s ears healthy and prevents potential problems.

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