Summer is on its way! There has been a lot of talk about leaving dogs in hot cars (DON’T DO IT!), but people also need to think about the temperature of the pavement. Dog’s pads can burn very badly on hot pavement!
And you may be surprised at just how hot pavement can get. In June, this was posted by channel 12 news in Phoenix Arizona:
Remember your pet’s feet when you see this temperature. Dr. Matt Pace just took this reading and it’s not even the hottest part of the day yet.
Posted by 12 News on Tuesday, June 16, 2015
The Humane Society of Knox County, Maine, posted this image on their site to help show dog owners just how hot the asphalt can be, even when it’s a pleasant 77 degrees outside:

So How Can YOU Tell If The Pavement Is Too Hot?
Since most of us don’t carry around a temperature gauge that can read the pavement, there is a simple test you can do to see if it’s too hot for your pup’s paws.
The SPCA Florida Says:
“The 5 Second Rule: Put the back of your hand on the pavement, if you cannot hold it there for 5 seconds it is too hot to walk. If the asphalt is so hot you could probably fry an egg on it, then it can burn your dog’s feet. Also keep in consideration certain dog’s pads, especially puppies are not as adaptable to heat and may not be able to stand even temperatures you can.”
If it is too hot, here are some ways you can prevent your pup’s paws from getting burned:
- Stay inside
- Walk on the cool grass
- Walk in the early morning and in the evening when the sun has gone down (still check the pavement to make sure it had cooled off enough!)
- Use dog booties to protect your dog’s paws
Some people mention that you can also use a balm, such as Musher’s Secret to protect your dog’s paws. However, balms wear out, they may come off in water, and are not necessarily made of withstand over 100 degree temperatures, or to protect your dog’s paws from them. I don’t recommend this as a “for sure” method of protecting your dog’s paws.

Bottom line: If the pavement is so hot you wouldn’t want to walk barefoot on it, your dog doesn’t want to, either!
(Click here to learn more about your dog’s paws.)