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iHeartDogs Launches Free Revolutionary AI Veterinarian App For Pet Owners

Written by: Justin Palmer
Justin Palmer is a Certified Pet Food Nutrition Specialist and co-founder of Inspired by his rescued husky, Splash, he dedicated himself to learning about extending both the length and quality of her life. Splash lived and thrived until 18 years old, and now Justin is on a mission to share what he learned with other dog owners.Read more
| Published on November 1, 2023

In an innovative move to support pet owners, iHeartDogs announces the launch of their groundbreaking Artificial Intelligence Veterinarian App, “PetVet AI.” Now available for free on any web browser and downloadable via the Apple App Store and Google Play for Android devices, PetVet AI offers instant guidance to pet owners faced with potential emergencies or health concerns regarding their furry friends.

The inspiration behind the app traces back to a personal experience of the company’s co-founder, Justin Palmer. Recounting the harrowing night when his dog faced a medical emergency, Justin shared, “After using an early prototype of the app, which gave me a few possible causes of the distress my dog was experiencing, I decided to take her to the emergency vet immediately. And it’s a good thing I did. It turned out she was experiencing acute pancreatitis and could have died. It was at that moment that I realized we needed to make this app available to as many pet owners as possible.”

iHeartDogs’ commitment to the well-being of pets and their owners shines through their decision to make the app 100% free, despite the substantial cost it required to build it. “PetVet AI is not a replacement for a real vet,” Justin emphasized. “But we believe it provides a better quality answer than you’d get by googling medical questions. There are times when you’re just not sure if you should take your dog in to a real vet or not, and this app helps you decide.”

App is Trained on The Same Veterinarian Training Materials Real Vets Use

PetVet AI stands out due to its robust training. The app has been trained on veterinarian training material—the very content that vets utilize during their professional education. This ensures the app’s advice is rooted in sound veterinary knowledge.

Marshall, the co-founder of iHeartDogs, expressed immense satisfaction with the app’s early reception. “So far, the feedback from app users has been incredible. In fact, the first person to leave a review in the app store had a very similar experience as Justin. The app helped them determine they needed to take their dog to the vet, and they got their dog in just in the nick of time.”

Related: How will AI change veterinarian practices?

Not a Replacement for a Real Vet, But A Big Help in a Bind

iHeartDogs encourages pet owners to always consult with a veterinarian in case of serious concerns. Still, with PetVet AI, they offer a valuable tool to guide those initial moments of uncertainty. As pet owners themselves, they understand the importance of timely intervention and hope that this app can make a difference in the lives of pets and their owners everywhere.

You can use the app free with your web browser here. 

Download it for your apple device here.

Or download for an Android device here.

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