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Is an Old English Sheepdog a Good Guard Dog?

Written by: Z


| Published on October 27, 2023

Old English Sheepdogs, often affectionately referred to as “OES,” are well-known for their charming, shaggy appearance and gentle disposition. While they may not be the first breed that comes to mind when thinking about guard dogs, they possess unique qualities that make them suitable for certain aspects of guarding and protection. In this article, we will explore the suitability of Old English Sheepdogs as guard dogs, highlighting their temperament, protective instincts, and other factors that determine their effectiveness in this role.

Old English Sheepdog Temperament

When evaluating the suitability of Old English Sheepdogs as guard dogs, it is crucial to understand their temperament. These dogs are renowned for their friendly and outgoing nature. They are typically affectionate, sociable, and gentle, making them excellent family pets. Their calm demeanor and love for human companionship may seem contradictory to the traditional image of a guard dog, which tends to be aloof and reserved.

However, Old English Sheepdogs’ friendly temperament can have its advantages when it comes to guarding. Their innate desire to protect their family members can translate into loyalty and vigilance. While they may not exhibit aggressive behavior, they often act as watchful sentinels, alerting their owners to potential threats with their keen sense of hearing and intuition.

Protective Instincts

Old English Sheepdogs have strong protective instincts that stem from their herding background. Historically, these dogs were bred to protect livestock from predators, and this protective nature has been ingrained in their DNA for generations. While they may not be naturally aggressive, they are quick to assess and respond to perceived threats.

One of the Old English Sheepdog’s notable qualities is their tendency to herd and protect not only livestock but also their human families. This protective instinct can manifest as vigilant behavior, barking to alert their owners, and positioning themselves between perceived threats and their loved ones. While they are not typically prone to aggression, their imposing size and protective demeanor can be deterrents to potential intruders.

Alertness and Watchfulness

Old English Sheepdogs are known for their watchful eyes and acute senses. Their shaggy appearance and droopy eyes may give the impression of laziness, but underneath that laid-back exterior lies a vigilant and observant nature. They are quick to pick up on changes in their surroundings, and their keen sense of hearing allows them to detect even subtle noises.

This heightened alertness can make them effective at detecting intruders or unusual activity around the home. While they may not engage in aggressive behavior immediately, their barking and alertness can serve as a warning signal to their owners. Many Old English Sheepdog owners report that their dogs are excellent at alerting them to potential threats, providing valuable time to assess the situation and take appropriate action.

Training and Socialization

To maximize an Old English Sheepdog’s potential as a guard dog, proper training and socialization are essential. While they have protective instincts, it is crucial to teach them how to differentiate between actual threats and harmless situations. Positive reinforcement training methods work well with these intelligent and eager-to-please dogs.

Socialization is equally important to ensure that Old English Sheepdogs remain well-adjusted and non-aggressive in various situations. Exposing them to different people, animals, and environments from a young age can help them develop confidence and a balanced temperament. This will ensure that their protective instincts are channeled appropriately and do not lead to unwarranted aggression.

Limitations as Guard Dogs

While Old English Sheepdogs have qualities that make them suitable for guarding in some contexts, they may not be the ideal choice for all guard dog roles. It’s important to acknowledge their limitations:

  1. Lack of aggression: Old English Sheepdogs are not naturally aggressive dogs. While this can be an advantage in preventing unnecessary attacks, it also means they may not deter intruders through intimidation alone.
  2. Size and strength: Their large size can be intimidating, but they lack the physical strength and agility of some other guard dog breeds.
  3. Barkiness: These dogs are known for their barking, which can be a useful alert mechanism. However, excessive barking can be a nuisance, and it may not always deter intruders.
  4. Friendly nature: Their friendly and sociable temperament may not fit the traditional image of a guard dog, which often requires an aloof and reserved demeanor.


In conclusion, while Old English Sheepdogs may not fit the mold of the stereotypical guard dog, they possess unique qualities that make them suitable for certain guarding and protective roles. Their protective instincts, alertness, and watchfulness, combined with their friendly disposition, can make them effective at alerting their owners to potential threats and providing a sense of security.

However, it’s essential to recognize that their suitability as a guard dog may vary depending on specific circumstances and individual training. They may not excel in situations that require aggression or physical confrontation. Old English Sheepdogs are most effective as watchful and alert protectors who can deter intruders through their presence and vocal warnings.

Ultimately, the decision to use an Old English Sheepdog as a guard dog should be based on the specific needs and preferences of the owner. If you seek a loyal and protective companion who can provide a sense of security while maintaining a friendly and loving demeanor, the Old English Sheepdog may be an excellent choice.

Frequently Asked Questions about Old English Sheepdogs As Guard Dogs

Frequently Asked Questions about Old English Sheepdogs As Guard Dogs

1. Are Old English Sheepdogs naturally good guard dogs?

Old English Sheepdogs are not naturally aggressive guard dogs, but their protective instincts, alertness, and watchful nature can make them effective at alerting their owners to potential threats.

2. Do Old English Sheepdogs have a tendency to bark excessively as guard dogs?

Yes, Old English Sheepdogs are known for their barking, which can serve as an alert mechanism. However, it’s essential to manage and train them to prevent excessive barking.

3. Are Old English Sheepdogs friendly towards strangers, making them unsuitable as guard dogs?

Old English Sheepdogs are generally friendly, but their protective instincts can lead to caution around strangers. They may not display aggression but will often be watchful in unfamiliar situations.

4. Can Old English Sheepdogs be trained to be effective guard dogs?

Yes, with proper training and socialization, Old English Sheepdogs can be trained to be effective at guarding and alerting their owners to potential threats.

5. Do Old English Sheepdogs get along well with other pets in the household while serving as guard dogs?

Old English Sheepdogs are generally good with other pets, but early socialization is key to ensure harmonious coexistence.

6. Are Old English Sheepdogs protective of children in the family?

Yes, Old English Sheepdogs are often protective of children and can be excellent family dogs, ensuring the safety of younger family members.

7. Can Old English Sheepdogs be trusted to distinguish between actual threats and harmless situations?

With proper training, Old English Sheepdogs can learn to differentiate between real threats and non-threatening situations.

8. Do Old English Sheepdogs require a lot of exercise to be effective guard dogs?

While they benefit from regular exercise, Old English Sheepdogs can be effective guard dogs without extremely high activity levels due to their watchful nature.

9. Are there any limitations to using Old English Sheepdogs as guard dogs?

Yes, their lack of natural aggression and a preference for friendly interaction may limit their suitability for roles requiring physical confrontation.

10. Can Old English Sheepdogs serve as both guard dogs and loving family pets?

Absolutely, Old English Sheepdogs can excel as both guard dogs and loving family pets, providing a sense of security while being affectionate companions.

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