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Ivermectin Coupon for Pets [2024]

Written by: Ejay Camposano
A college graduate with a degree in Electrical Engineering, Ejay has a diverse background that combines technical expertise with a passion for pets and is now one of the content writers at IHD. Read more
| Published on January 2, 2024

Are you looking for a way to save your dog’s Ivermectin prescription? Our Rx Discount Card for Pets can save you up to 80% of your pet’s Ivermectin.

What Pharmacies Accept This Ivermectin Coupon Card for Pets?

This card is accepted at over 60,000 participating pharmacies in the US, including:

Pharmacies that participate in our pet prescription discount coupon

How Much Will My Pet’s Ivermectin Cost Using This Coupon?

In order to view a real-time pricing estimate, please use our pricing lookup tool here.

How Do Prescription Discount Cards for Pets Work? How Can It Help Me Save On My Dog’s Ivermectin Prescription?

Prescription discount cards for pets work in a similar way to those for humans. Here’s a breakdown of the process:

  1. Enrollment: You can enroll in a pet prescription discount card program online or by calling the company. Enrollment is typically free.
  2. Prescription: Once your vet has written a prescription for your pet, you can check if the medication is covered by the discount program. If it is, you may be able to save on the medication’s cost. This can be done online or via the program’s customer service.
  3. Pharmacy: The discount card can be used at participating pharmacies. Some discount programs have extensive pharmacy networks, including major chains and local pharmacies.
  4. Discounts: At the pharmacy, present your pet’s prescription and your discount card. The pharmacist will calculate the discount, and you’ll pay the discounted price.

For your pet’s Ivermectin prescription, using a discount card could help you save significantly, especially if Ivermectin is a recurring medication for your pet. Savings can vary based on the specific card program, the pharmacy, and the specific dosage and form of Ivermectin prescribed, but discounts can range from a small percentage to over half of the medication’s cost.

It’s worth noting that prescription discount cards are not insurance. They are discount programs that work by negotiating lower prices for medications. They can be a good option for pet owners who are facing high medication costs, particularly for pets who are uninsured or for medications that are not covered under pet insurance.

What Are Some Common Reasons Ivermectin is Prescribed for Dogs?

Pet drugs

Ivermectin is a common medication prescribed for dogs to manage parasites. Here are some of the key reasons it is used:

  1. Heartworm Prevention: Ivermectin is the active ingredient in many of the heartworm prevention medications given to dogs.
  2. Demodectic Mange: In some cases, Ivermectin may be used to treat Demodex mites, which can cause a skin condition known as demodectic mange.
  3. Sarcoptic Mange: Ivermectin can also be used in the treatment of Sarcoptes scabiei mites, which cause a condition known as sarcoptic mange (also called scabies).
  4. Ear Mites: Ivermectin may also be used to treat ear mites in dogs.
  5. Intestinal Parasites: In some cases, Ivermectin can be used to treat certain types of intestinal parasites.

Remember, it’s very important to use Ivermectin under the guidance of a veterinarian, as it can be toxic to some breeds in larger doses. Dogs that carry the MDR1 (multi-drug resistance) gene mutation may be particularly sensitive to Ivermectin and related drugs, so genetic testing may be recommended in some cases.

What Are Some Other Ways I Can Save Money on My Pet’s Ivermectin Prescription?

Here are a few additional strategies to help you save money on your pet’s Ivermectin prescription:

  1. Ask for a Generic Version: If your vet prescribes a brand-name medication, ask if there’s a generic version available. Generic medications are typically less expensive but are equivalent in terms of quality, performance, and intended use.
  2. Compare Prices: Prices can vary from one pharmacy to another, so it might be worthwhile to call around or use online tools to compare medication prices at different pharmacies.
  3. Buy in Bulk: If your pet needs to take Ivermectin for an extended period, you might save money by buying a larger quantity at once. Just be sure that the medication won’t expire before your pet can use it all.
  4. Talk to Your Vet: If the cost of medication is a concern, have an open discussion with your veterinarian. They may be able to suggest alternative treatments, help you source the cheapest supply, or split a larger pack of tablets for you.
  5. Online Pharmacies: Sometimes, online pharmacies offer competitive pricing on pet medications. Just make sure you’re using a reputable source. Look for pharmacies with the Vet-VIPPS (Veterinary-Verified Internet Pharmacy Practice Sites) seal, which indicates they meet certain quality standards.
  6. Manufacturer’s Rebates or Coupons: Check if the manufacturer offers any rebates, coupons, or discount programs. Some pharmaceutical companies provide these to help offset the cost of their medications.

Remember, the safety and effectiveness of the medication should be your primary concern. Always consult your vet before making changes to your pet’s medication plan.

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