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Know the Signs: 5 Most Common Health Issues in Akitas

Written by: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| Published on May 26, 2023

The Akita is a large, powerful dog breed from Japan, renowned for its loyal and courageous temperament. While these beautiful dogs are generally healthy, they’re predisposed to specific health conditions due to their unique genetic makeup. This article explores the five most common health issues in Akitas and the signs pet owners should look out for to ensure their furry friend’s well-being.

  1. Hip Dysplasia

Like many large breeds, Akitas are prone to hip dysplasia, a genetic disorder involving an abnormal formation of the hip joint. This can lead to painful arthritis and reduced mobility over time.

Signs of hip dysplasia include difficulty standing up or climbing stairs, a ‘bunny hop’ running gait, and stiffness or pain after exercise. If you observe these symptoms, a veterinary consultation is essential. Diagnosis typically involves X-rays, and treatment options can range from medication and physical therapy to surgical intervention in severe cases.

  1. Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)

PRA is a group of genetic diseases that cause the retina’s gradual deterioration, leading to diminished vision and eventual blindness. This condition is common in Akitas and unfortunately, there is currently no cure.

Early signs include night blindness and dilated pupils, progressing to a noticeable decrease in day vision. Regular eye exams are crucial to detect PRA early. Though there is no cure, management strategies like adjustments to home environments can help your pet adapt to reduced vision.

  1. Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism, where the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormone, is another prevalent health issue in Akitas. Thyroid hormones play a critical role in regulating your dog’s metabolism, and a deficiency can cause various problems.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism include lethargy, weight gain despite no change in appetite, skin problems, and cold intolerance. If you suspect your Akita might have this condition, seek veterinary advice. Diagnosis is made through blood tests, and treatment generally involves lifelong medication.

  1. Autoimmune Disorders

Akitas have a predisposition for autoimmune disorders, conditions in which the dog’s immune system mistakenly attacks the body’s own cells. One such disorder is Sebaceous Adenitis (SA), which affects the skin.

Signs of SA include alopecia (hair loss), scaly skin, and secondary skin infections. If these symptoms are noticed, a vet should be consulted as soon as possible. While there’s no cure for SA, symptoms can be managed with proper skin care and medication.

  1. Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus (GDV)

Also known as bloat, GDV is a severe, life-threatening condition that typically affects large, deep-chested dogs like Akitas. GDV occurs when the dog’s stomach dilates with gas and then twists on itself, obstructing blood flow.

Symptoms include a distended abdomen, excessive drooling, restlessness, and signs of pain. GDV is a medical emergency requiring immediate veterinary attention. Prevention strategies, including feeding smaller meals more frequently and avoiding vigorous exercise around meal times, can help reduce the risk of GDV.

Being familiar with these common health issues in Akitas allows owners to promptly identify potential problems and seek veterinary care, enhancing their pet’s overall quality of life. Regular veterinary check-ups, balanced nutrition, and adequate exercise play a vital role in ensuring the health and happiness of your Akita. Remember, a well-cared-for Akita is a companion for life.

NEXT UP: Since the pandemic, veterinarian bills have skyrocketed. This website lets you compare prices on all the pet insurance companies at once.

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