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Know the Signs: 5 Most Common Health Issues in Yorkies

Written by: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| Published on May 23, 2023

The Yorkshire Terrier, fondly known as the Yorkie, is a small breed with a big personality. This affectionate and vibrant breed has won the hearts of many but, like all breeds, Yorkies can be predisposed to certain health issues. This article will discuss the five most common health problems in Yorkies, what symptoms to look out for, and how to address these issues promptly.

  1. Patellar Luxation

One of the most common health issues in Yorkies is Patellar Luxation, a condition where the kneecap dislocates or moves out of its normal location. This issue can range from mild to severe, potentially leading to lameness if not treated.

Owners may notice an abnormal gait, such as a skip or a hop, particularly in the hind legs. Your Yorkie might suddenly lift a back leg, or show signs of discomfort when walking or running. Regular veterinary check-ups are crucial as the condition can worsen over time, leading to arthritis or even permanent lameness.

  1. Tracheal Collapse

The Yorkshire Terrier breed is particularly prone to a condition known as Tracheal Collapse. This is when the trachea, which carries air to the lungs, weakens and collapses, making breathing difficult.

If your Yorkie is exhibiting a persistent, dry, harsh cough that sounds like a “goose honk,” or if they seem to be struggling for breath, especially after excitement or exercise, they might be suffering from Tracheal Collapse. Immediate veterinary attention is crucial as this condition can become life-threatening if not treated promptly.

  1. Hypoglycemia

Hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, is common in small breeds like Yorkies. This can be caused by stress, illness, a lack of nutrients, or even skipping meals.

Signs of hypoglycemia include weakness, confusion, trembling, and seizures in severe cases. Your Yorkie may appear lethargic, or have difficulty walking or standing. It’s important to keep your Yorkie’s meals regular and balanced to avoid sudden drops in blood sugar. However, if symptoms do occur, seek immediate veterinary care.

  1. Dental Disease

Due to their small mouths, Yorkies are prone to dental disease. Overcrowding of teeth can lead to a buildup of plaque and tartar, causing gum disease, tooth decay, and bad breath.

If your Yorkie has noticeably bad breath, difficulty eating, or visible plaque and tartar on their teeth, they may be experiencing dental disease. Regular dental cleanings at the vet and at-home dental care can help prevent these issues.

  1. Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)

PRA is an inherited eye disease that eventually leads to blindness. Yorkies are among the breeds known to be genetically predisposed to this condition.

Early signs of PRA include difficulty seeing in low light or at night, and a noticeable change in the eye’s appearance, such as a cloudy lens or dilated pupils. As the disease progresses, you may notice your Yorkie bumping into furniture or being more cautious when moving around. Regular eye exams can help detect PRA in the early stages.

In summary, while the list of potential health issues may seem daunting, knowledge is the first step toward prevention and early intervention. Regular vet check-ups, maintaining a balanced diet, providing proper dental care, and being aware of the common health issues in Yorkies can go a long way in ensuring your pet lives a happy, healthy life. Always consult with your veterinarian if you notice any changes in your Yorkie’s behavior, appetite, or general health.

NEXT UP: Since the pandemic, veterinarian bills have skyrocketed. This website lets you compare prices on all the pet insurance companies at once.

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