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Labradoodle Puppy Training: The Surprising Truth About When to Start

Written by: Ejay Camposano
A college graduate with a degree in Electrical Engineering, Ejay has a diverse background that combines technical expertise with a passion for pets and is now one of the content writers at IHD. Read more
| Published on August 23, 2023

Bringing a Labradoodle puppy into your home is akin to adding a bundle of joy to your life. This intelligent and friendly breed is known for its affectionate nature and enthusiasm, making it an ideal family pet. However, a happy and harmonious life with a Labradoodle requires some effort, especially when it comes to training. In this article, we’ll explore the optimal time to start training your Labradoodle puppy, the behavior challenges you may face if you postpone training, and the unique benefits of opting for an online dog training course.

When to Begin Training of a Labradoodle Puppy

The perfect time to initiate training for your Labradoodle puppy is as soon as you bring them home, typically around the age of 8-12 weeks. While many people believe that puppies are too young to be trained, this is a misconception. In fact, these early weeks are an important period for socialization and setting the groundwork for obedience training. Your Labradoodle has a natural curiosity and keen intelligence, which makes this an optimal time to introduce simple commands like ‘sit,’ ‘stay,’ and ‘come.’ Early training should focus on positive reinforcement and include short, engaging sessions to keep your puppy’s attention.

Potential Behavior Problems from Delaying Training of a Labradoodle Puppy

Putting off training your Labradoodle can lead to a host of behavior issues that may be difficult to rectify later on. Some common challenges include:

  1. Hyperactivity: Labradoodles are known for their high energy levels. Without proper training, this can translate into excessive jumping, running, or even destructive behavior like chewing furniture.
  2. Leash Pulling: These dogs are enthusiastic walkers, but without early leash training, a simple walk can become a test of strength as your dog pulls you in all directions.
  3. Separation Anxiety: Labradoodles often form a strong emotional bond with their owners. Delayed training can result in the development of separation anxiety, making it difficult to leave your dog alone without fretfulness or destructive behavior.
  4. Poor Social Skills: Without early socialization, your Labradoodle may be either too timid or too aggressive around other dogs and people. This can lead to a range of problems, including difficulties when traveling, or even during simple tasks like taking your dog to the vet or the park.

Advantages of Using an Online Dog Training Course for a Labradoodle Puppy

  1. Convenience: The most obvious benefit of an online dog training course is the convenience factor. You can access training materials and videos at any time, making it easier for those with hectic schedules to train their Labradoodles. This flexibility allows you to implement a training routine that fits well within your daily activities.
  2. Customized Training: Online courses often offer a diverse range of topics, from basic obedience and house training to more advanced commands and tricks. This means you can tailor the training experience to your Labradoodle’s unique needs. In addition, you can often engage with experts for specific questions and challenges you might be facing, thereby enhancing the overall training experience.

The Only 2 Online Puppy Training Courses We Recommend

1. SpiritDog’s Ultimate Puppy Bundle (BEST BUDGET FRIENDLY OPTION)

This comprehensive online puppy training program, designed by experienced trainer Steffi Trott, aims to help dog owners raise a well-behaved, social, and friendly puppy. The course provides lifetime access to over 70 lessons, including videos and an exclusive eBook, with a focus on critical behaviors like biting, potty training, and chewing. Participants can learn at their own pace from home, with the ability to ask unlimited questions to professional trainers. The program promises noticeable improvements in puppy behavior with just 10 minutes of practice per day. It comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee, lifetime personal support, and seven bonus mini-courses covering specific issues like hyperactivity and separation anxiety.

2. K9 Training Institute’s “Dog Masterclass” (BEST OVERALL)

In addition to basic puppy training, this more comprehensive training class tackles any behavior problem you might face with your dog. It’s made an a very easy to follow video format.


In conclusion, the earlier you start training your Labradoodle, the better. Early training sets the stage for a well-adjusted and well-mannered adult dog, reducing the risk of behavioral problems that can plague untrained dogs. The modern convenience of online training courses provides a flexible and personalized approach that can be especially beneficial for busy families. So, invest the time and effort in training your Labradoodle from a young age and enjoy the years of companionship and joy that this wonderful breed can bring into your life.

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