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Male & Female Border Collie Weights & Heights by Age

Written by: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| Published on August 11, 2023

Border Collies are renowned for their intelligence, agility, and herding instincts, but before they mature into the graceful athletes we so admire, they start life as endearing puppies, evolving rapidly in both demeanor and physique. Understanding the growth trajectory of these dynamic dogs is vital for new owners to ensure optimal health and development. This article delves into the average weights and heights of Border Collie puppies, charting their progression from newborns to mature adults. Equipped with this knowledge, you can better anticipate and nurture your Border Collie’s physical needs throughout its formative years.

Male Border Collie Weights & Heights by Age

The following chart contains the average weights and heights of a male Border Collie from newborn to 3 years of age. Please note these are only averages. Always consult with your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your Border Collie’s growth.

Age Average Weight (pounds) Average Weight (kg) Average Height (inches) Average Height (cm)
Newborn 0.5-1.0 0.2-0.5 3-4 7.6-10.2
1 Month 5-9 2.3-4.1 6-9 15.2-22.9
2 Months 10-20 4.5-9.1 9-12 22.9-30.5
3 Months 15-30 6.8-13.6 12-15 30.5-38.1
4 Months 20-35 9.1-15.9 14-18 35.6-45.7
5 Months 25-40 11.3-18.1 16-20 40.6-50.8
6 Months 30-45 13.6-20.4 17-21 43.2-53.3
7 Months 35-48 15.9-21.8 18-22 45.7-55.9
8 Months 36-50 16.3-22.7 18.5-22.5 47-57.2
9 Months 37-52 16.8-23.6 19-23 48.3-58.4
10 Months 38-53 17.2-24 19.5-23.5 49.5-59.7
11 Months 39-55 17.7-25 20-24 50.8-61
12 Months 40-55 18.1-25 20-24 50.8-61
2 Years 40-60 18.1-27.2 20-24 50.8-61
3 Years 40-60 18.1-27.2 20-24 50.8-61


Female Border Collie Weights & Heights by Age

The following chart contains the average weights and heights of a female Border Collie from newborn to 3 years of age. Please note these are only averages. Always consult with your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your Border Collie’s growth.

Age Average Weight (pounds) Average Weight (kg) Average Height (inches) Average Height (cm)
Newborn 0.4-0.8 0.2-0.4 2.5-3.5 6.4-8.9
1 Month 4-8 1.8-3.6 5.5-8.5 14-21.6
2 Months 9-18 4.1-8.2 8-11 20.3-28
3 Months 13-26 5.9-11.8 11-14 28-35.6
4 Months 18-32 8.2-14.5 13-17 33-43.2
5 Months 22-37 10-16.8 15-19 38.1-48.3
6 Months 25-40 11.3-18.1 16-20 40.6-50.8
7 Months 28-43 12.7-19.5 17-21 43.2-53.3
8 Months 29-44 13.2-20 17.5-21.5 44.5-54.6
9 Months 30-45 13.6-20.4 18-22 45.7-55.9
10 Months 31-46 14-20.9 18.5-22.5 47-57.2
11 Months 32-47 14.5-21.3 19-23 48.3-58.4
12 Months 33-48 15-21

These tables are based on general guidelines and can vary greatly depending on individual dogs. Always consult with a veterinarian or professional breeder for more specific information about your pet’s growth and development.

FAQs about a Border Collie Puppy’s Growth and Development

  1. How fast will my Border Collie puppy grow?
    Border Collies are considered medium-sized dogs. Typically, they experience a rapid growth phase from birth up to 6 months, then the pace slows down and continues until they are around 12-18 months when they reach their full adult size.
  2. Is my puppy’s weight normal for his age?
    It’s essential to refer to a growth chart for Border Collies. However, remember that each dog is unique, and factors like genetics, diet, and exercise can influence growth. Regular vet check-ups will ensure your puppy’s on track.
  3. When will my Border Collie stop growing in height?
    Most Border Collies will stop growing in height by 12-15 months, but they may continue to fill out and gain muscle mass until they are 18-24 months old.
  4. My Border Collie seems underweight; what should I do?
    First, consult the growth chart and your vet. If your puppy is genuinely underweight, consider dietary changes, increasing meal frequency, or looking for high-calorie puppy foods.
  5. How much should my Border Collie puppy eat?
    Your puppy’s food needs depend on age, weight, and activity level. Follow food label guidelines and consult with your vet to ensure you’re providing the right amount.
  6. Is it normal for my puppy to have growth spurts?
    Yes, like humans, Border Collie puppies can experience growth spurts, where they might grow rapidly over a short time, followed by slower growth periods.
  7. When should I switch from puppy food to adult food?
    Typically, Border Collies can transition to adult food between 12-14 months. However, always consult with your vet to determine the best time for your specific dog.
  8. How big will my Border Collie get?
    Adult male Border Collies usually weigh between 44-55 pounds and stand 21-25 inches tall, while females typically weigh 36-46 pounds and are 19-23 inches tall.
  9. Do female Border Collies grow at the same rate as males?
    Generally, males grow slightly larger and might grow at a slightly faster rate in their early months, but by adulthood, the growth difference becomes less noticeable.
  10. How can I tell if my puppy is overweight?
    Besides checking a growth chart, an overweight puppy might lack a visible waist, and you won’t easily feel its ribs. It’s essential to address weight issues early, so consult your vet for guidance.
  11. Are there exercises to promote healthy growth in my Border Collie?
    Yes, regular play, walks, and moderate exercise can help. However, avoid strenuous or high-impact activities in the first year to protect their developing joints.
  12. Will neutering or spaying affect my puppy’s growth?
    Spaying or neutering can affect the growth plates, potentially causing a puppy to grow taller than they might have otherwise. Always consult with your vet about the best time to spay or neuter.
  13. Why are my Border Collie’s legs looking disproportionate?
    During growth phases, it’s not uncommon for puppies to look a bit “leggy” or disproportionate. They will typically grow into their legs as they approach adulthood.
  14. Are there supplements to boost my puppy’s growth?
    While some supplements promote joint health and overall well-being, it’s crucial not to over-supplement, as it can cause imbalances. Always discuss with a vet before introducing any supplements.
  15. Can environmental factors influence my puppy’s growth?
    Yes, factors like diet, exercise, and even living conditions can impact growth. Ensuring a balanced diet, regular vet check-ups, and a loving environment promotes healthy growth.
  16. Why is my older puppy’s coat changing?
    As Border Collies mature, their coat can transition from a softer puppy coat to a more textured adult coat. This change is entirely normal and part of their growth process.
  17. My puppy’s ears were standing up, but now one has flopped. Is this normal?
    Yes, during teething and growth phases, it’s not uncommon for a Border Collie’s ears to change position. They usually settle by adulthood.
  18. How important is socialization in my Border Collie’s growth?
    While not directly related to physical growth, socialization is crucial for mental and emotional development. Proper socialization ensures a well-rounded, confident adult dog.
  19. Is crate training beneficial for my growing Border Collie?
    Crate training can provide a safe space for your puppy and aid in housebreaking. It doesn’t directly impact growth but can be an essential tool for overall puppy well-being.
  20. At what age is my Border Collie considered an adult?
    While they might reach their full height by 12-15 months, Border Collies are typically considered adults at 18-24 months when their growth, both physically and mentally, has fully matured.

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