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Male & Female Cane Corso Weights & Heights by Age

Written by: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| Published on August 10, 2023

The Cane Corso, a powerful and ancient Italian breed, is revered for its formidable presence and loyal nature. As puppies, their robust growth can be a point of intrigue and curiosity for new owners. Given the breed’s substantial size in adulthood, understanding the typical weights and heights of Cane Corso puppies during their developmental stages is vital. This article provides a comprehensive look into the average measurements of these noble canines as they transition from tiny pups to majestic adults, offering invaluable insights for owners to ensure their pets grow healthily and proportionately.

Male Cane Corso Weights & Heights by Age

The following chart contains the average weights and heights of a male Cane Corso from newborn to 3 years of age. Please note these are only averages. Always consult with your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your Cane Corso’s growth.

Age Weight (lbs) Weight (kg) Height (inches) Height (cm)
Newborn 1-2 0.45-0.9 3-4 7.6-10
1 month 8-15 3.6-6.8 8-11 20-28
2 months 15-28 6.8-12.7 11-15 28-38
3 months 30-50 13.6-22.7 15-19 38-48
4 months 50-65 22.7-29.5 18-23 46-58
5 months 65-85 29.5-38.6 22-27 56-68.6
6 months 80-100 36.3-45.4 25-29 63.5-73.6
7 months 90-110 40.8-49.9 26-30 66-76
8 months 100-120 45.4-54.4 27-31 68.6-78.7
9 months 105-125 47.6-56.7 28-32 71-81.3
10 months 110-130 49.9-59 28-33 71-83.8
11 months 115-135 52.2-61.2 29-33 73.7-83.8
12 months 120-140 54.4-63.5 30-34 76-86.4
2 years 140-160 63.5-72.6 32-36 81.3-91.4
3 years 145-165 65.8-74.8 33-37 83.8-94


Female Cane Corso Weights & Heights by Age

The following chart contains the average weights and heights of a female Cane Corso from newborn to 3 years of age. Please note these are only averages. Always consult with your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your Cane Corso’s growth.

Age Weight (lbs) Weight (kg) Height (inches) Height (cm)
Newborn 0.9-1.8 0.4-0.8 2.5-3.5 6.4-8.9
1 month 6-12 2.7-5.4 7-9 17.8-22.9
2 months 12-24 5.4-10.9 10-13 25.4-33
3 months 25-40 11.3-18.1 13-17 33-43.2
4 months 40-55 18.1-24.9 17-21 43.2-53.3
5 months 50-70 22.7-31.8 19-24 48.3-61
6 months 60-80 27.2-36.3 21-26 53.3-66
7 months 65-85 29.5-38.6 22-27 55.9-68.6
8 months 70-90 31.8-40.8 23-28 58.4-71.1
9 months 75-95 34-43.1 24-29 61-73.7
10 months 78-98 35.4-44.5 24-29.5 61-75
11 months 80-100 36.3-45.4 25-30 63.5-76.2
12 months 85-105 38.6-47.6 26-31 66-78.7
2 years 95-115 43.1-52.2 27-32 68.6

These tables are based on general guidelines and can vary greatly depending on individual dogs. Always consult with a veterinarian or professional breeder for more specific information about your pet’s growth and development.


FAQs about a Cane Corso Puppy’s Growth and Development

1. How large will my Cane Corso grow?

Cane Corsos are known for their significant size and muscular build. Adult males typically weigh between 140-160 pounds (63.5-72.6 kg) and stand around 32-36 inches (81.3-91.4 cm) tall. In contrast, females usually weigh 95-115 pounds (43.1-52.2 kg) and measure 27-32 inches (68.6-81.3 cm) in height.

2. How fast will my Cane Corso puppy grow?

Cane Corso puppies experience rapid growth, especially in the first year. Regular check-ups and weight measurements can ensure your puppy is growing at a healthy pace.

3. How much should I feed my Cane Corso puppy?

Feeding guidelines vary based on the specific food and your puppy’s age and size. Always follow the recommendation on high-quality dog food packaging and consult your veterinarian for specific dietary needs.

4. When will my Cane Corso be fully grown?

Most Cane Corsos reach their full height by 18 months. However, they may continue to fill out and gain muscle until they’re around 2-3 years old.

5. Is it normal for my puppy to look skinny and leggy?

Yes, during certain growth stages, it’s common for Cane Corso puppies to appear lanky. They will gradually fill out as they mature, achieving a more muscular and proportionate look.

6. What can I do to ensure my puppy has strong bones and joints?

Feeding a balanced diet specifically designed for large breeds and moderating intense physical activities can help protect their developing joints and bones.

7. How often should my Cane Corso puppy exercise?

Daily moderate exercise, like playful sessions and walks, is beneficial. Avoid overexertion and high-impact activities while they’re still growing to protect their joints.

8. Are growth supplements necessary for my Cane Corso?

Usually, a well-balanced diet provides all the necessary nutrients. Before considering supplements, consult with your veterinarian for advice tailored to your puppy’s needs.

9. How can I determine if my Cane Corso is underweight or overweight?

A healthy Cane Corso has a visible waist when viewed from above. You should feel their ribs without excess fat covering them. If unsure, a veterinarian can provide an accurate assessment.

10. Are there specific growth milestones I should be aware of?

Cane Corsos have several growth stages, with rapid growth in the first six months, followed by a steadier increase until around 18 months, then filling out until about 3 years. Regular vet visits can help track these milestones.

11. What type of diet best supports my puppy’s growth?

A high-quality, large breed-specific puppy food with balanced nutrients is ideal. Whether you opt for raw, kibble, or home-cooked, ensure it’s appropriate for their developmental stage.

12. Should I be concerned about specific growth disorders?

Large breeds, including Cane Corsos, can be prone to hip dysplasia and elbow dysplasia. Regular veterinary checks and early detection are vital for managing these conditions.

13. Can early neutering or spaying affect my puppy’s growth?

Early neutering or spaying can potentially influence growth plate closure. Always discuss the optimal timing for these procedures with your veterinarian.

14. How long do Cane Corso puppies teethe?

Teething begins around 3-4 weeks of age and typically concludes by 6-7 months when they have all their adult teeth.

15. My Cane Corso puppy seems more massive than his littermates. Why?

Individual growth rates and genetics can cause size variations within a litter. Regular vet check-ups can ensure the growth is healthy and not due to overfeeding or other issues.

16. How can I monitor my puppy’s muscle development?

Regular touch and observation can help gauge muscle development. Ensure they’re getting the right nutrients and sufficient exercise for healthy muscle growth.

17. Is crate training suitable for my growing Cane Corso?

Yes, but ensure the crate size accommodates their growth. A spacious crate is crucial to ensure they’re comfortable and not constricted.

18. Should I be concerned if my puppy is limping?

Limping can indicate various issues, from minor injuries to more serious conditions like hip dysplasia. It’s essential to consult a vet if you observe consistent limping or any lameness.

19. Are Cane Corsos late bloomers in terms of growth?

While they achieve most of their height by 18 months, Cane Corsos can continue to mature and fill out muscle-wise until they are about 2-3 years old, making them somewhat late bloomers in terms of full development.

20. How should I handle my Cane Corso during its growth spurts?

During growth spurts, ensure they receive adequate nutrition and avoid excessive physical strain. Monitor their weight and height, and always be gentle, understanding that their bodies are rapidly changing.

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