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Male & Female Cocker Spaniel Weights & Heights by Age

By: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| August 11, 2023

The Cocker Spaniel, with its soulful eyes and luscious locks, is a breed renowned for its tender disposition and graceful stature. As these charming canines transition from cuddly puppies to poised adults, many owners find themselves wondering about their growth patterns. How fast will my Cocker Spaniel grow? What weight should they reach at each milestone? With a lineage as regal as theirs, understanding the typical growth curve of a Cocker Spaniel puppy is essential for every dedicated owner. Dive into this guide to explore the average weights and heights of these beloved pups as they blossom into adulthood.

Male Cocker Spaniel Weights & Heights by Age

The following chart contains the average weights and heights of a male Cocker Spaniel from newborn to 3 years of age. Please note these are only averages. Always consult with your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your Cocker Spaniel’s growth.

Age Average Weight (lbs) Average Weight (kg) Average Height (inches) Average Height (cm)
Newborn 0.5-1.0 0.23-0.45 3-4 7.6-10.2
1 month 4-5 1.8-2.3 6-7 15.2-17.8
2 months 8-11 3.6-5 8-9 20.3-22.9
3 months 12-15 5.4-6.8 9.5-10.5 24.1-26.7
4 months 16-20 7.3-9.1 10-11.5 25.4-29.2
6 months 20-24 9.1-10.9 11.5-13 29.2-33.0
8 months 22-26 10-11.8 12-14 30.5-35.6
10 months 24-28 10.9-12.7 13-15 33.0-38.1
12 months (1 year) 25-30 11.3-13.6 14-16 35.6-40.6
2 years 26-31 11.8-14.1 14.5-16.5 36.8-41.9
3 years 26-31 11.8-14.1 14.5-16.5 36.8-41.9

Female Cocker Spaniel Weights & Heights by Age

The following chart contains the average weights and heights of a female Cocker Spaniel from newborn to 3 years of age. Please note these are only averages. Always consult with your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your cocker Spaniel’s growth.

Age Average Weight (lbs) Average Weight (kg) Average Height (inches) Average Height (cm)
Newborn 0.5-0.9 0.23-0.41 2.5-3.5 6.4-8.9
1 month 3-4.5 1.4-2.0 5.5-6.5 14-16.5
2 months 7-10 3.2-4.5 7-8 17.8-20.3
3 months 11-14 5-6.4 8.5-10 21.6-25.4
4 months 14-18 6.4-8.2 9.5-11 24.1-27.9
6 months 18-22 8.2-10 11-12.5 27.9-31.8
8 months 20-24 9.1-10.9 11.5-13.5 29.2-34.3
10 months 21-25 9.5-11.3 12-14 30.5-35.6
12 months (1 year) 22-26 10-11.8 13-15 33.0-38.1
2 years 23-27 10.4-12.3 13.5-15.5 34.3-39.4
3 years 23-27 10.4-12.3 13.5-15.5 34.3-39.4

These tables are based on general guidelines and can vary greatly depending on individual dogs. Always consult with a veterinarian or professional breeder for more specific information about your pet’s growth and development.

FAQs about a Cocker Spaniel Puppy’s Growth and Development

  1. How big will my Cocker Spaniel puppy get?
    Cocker Spaniels typically weigh between 25-30 pounds (11.3-13.6 kg) and stand 14-16 inches (35.6-40.6 cm) tall at the shoulder. Your puppy’s final size will depend on genetics, diet, and overall health.
  2. When do Cocker Spaniels stop growing?
    Most Cocker Spaniels reach their full height by 12 months, but they may continue filling out and gaining weight until they’re 18 months old.
  3. Is my Cocker Spaniel puppy overweight?
    A healthy Cocker Spaniel should have a visible waistline and ribs that are palpable but not prominently visible. If you’re concerned about your puppy’s weight, consult with your veterinarian.
  4. Why does my Cocker Spaniel puppy seem smaller than others?
    Individual growth rates and sizes can vary, influenced by genetics and environmental factors. Always ensure your puppy has a balanced diet and regular check-ups with the vet.
  5. How often should I feed my Cocker Spaniel puppy?
    Puppies should be fed three to four times a day until six months of age, then reduced to twice daily.
  6. Are Cocker Spaniels prone to obesity?
    Yes, Cocker Spaniels have a tendency to gain weight, so monitor their diet and ensure they get regular exercise.
  7. What’s the best diet for my growing Cocker Spaniel?
    A balanced diet formulated specifically for puppies is ideal. As they grow, transitioning to adult food around 12 months is recommended.
  8. When will my Cocker Spaniel puppy’s ears fully grow?
    Cocker Spaniel puppies are born with notably large ears. While their ears might seem fully grown early on, the rest of their body will catch up in time.
  9. Why does my Cocker Spaniel puppy have a different coat texture?
    Cocker Spaniel puppies have softer, fluffier coats that gradually transition to the silkier adult coat as they mature.
  10. How can I ensure strong bone growth for my puppy?
    A balanced diet, proper exercise without overexertion, and regular vet check-ups will support healthy bone growth.
  11. Is it normal for my puppy to have a growth spurt?
    Yes, like many breeds, Cocker Spaniels can experience growth spurts, especially between 4-8 months.
  12. Why are my puppy’s legs looking a bit bowed?
    Some puppies might display slight bowing as they grow, but this often corrects itself. If it’s pronounced, consult your vet.
  13. When should I neuter or spay my Cocker Spaniel?
    It’s commonly recommended to spay or neuter between 6-9 months. However, discuss the best timing with your veterinarian.
  14. How long until my puppy’s adult teeth come in?
    Most puppies, including Cocker Spaniels, will have their full set of adult teeth by six months of age.
  15. Is my Cocker Spaniel’s growth on track if he’s smaller than the growth chart indicates?
    Growth charts provide averages, and individuals can vary. As long as your puppy is healthy and active, there might not be a cause for concern.
  16. Why is my puppy taller than the growth chart suggests?
    Like humans, Cocker Spaniels have individual growth rates. Genetics play a significant role, and your puppy might be an outlier.
  17. Can exercise impact my puppy’s growth?
    Yes, overexertion can strain a growing puppy’s bones and joints. Ensure playtime is balanced with rest.
  18. Is it normal for my Cocker Spaniel to have a “puppy belly”?
    A slightly rounded belly is normal for puppies due to their rapid growth rate. However, a distended belly could indicate worms or other issues.
  19. When will my female Cocker Spaniel have her first heat?
    Most female Cocker Spaniels experience their first heat between 6-12 months of age.
  20. Can growth be affected by early training and socialization?
    While it won’t impact physical growth, early training and socialization significantly affect mental growth, ensuring your Cocker Spaniel develops into a well-adjusted adult.

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