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Male & Female Collie Weights & Heights by Age

By: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| August 13, 2023

Collies, with their elegant posture and striking features, have captured the hearts of many dog enthusiasts. As descendants of ancient herding breeds, their growth pattern is an intriguing mix of agility and stature. For potential and new Collie owners, understanding the typical growth trajectory of these puppies is crucial. This article delves into the average weights and heights of Collie puppies, providing a comprehensive guide to help you anticipate their development milestones. From the tiny bundle you bring home to the poised adult they become, we’ll chart the fascinating journey of your Collie’s growth.

Male Collie Weights & Heights by Age

The following chart contains the average weights and heights of male Collies from newborn to 3 years of age. Please note these are only averages. Always consult with your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your Collie’s growth.

Age (Months/Years) Average Weight (lbs) Average Weight (kg) Average Height (inches) Average Height (cm)
0 1-2.5 0.45-1.13 3-4 7.6-10.2
1 8-15 3.6-6.8 6-9 15.2-22.9
2 20-30 9-13.6 10-14 25.4-35.6
3 30-40 13.6-18.1 12-18 30.5-45.7
4 35-50 15.9-22.7 14-20 35.6-50.8
5 40-60 18.1-27.2 16-22 40.6-55.9
6 45-70 20.4-31.8 18-24 45.7-61
7 50-80 22.7-36.3 20-26 50.8-66
8 55-85 24.9-38.6 21-27 53.3-68.6
9 60-90 27.2-40.8 22-28 55.9-71.1
10 65-95 29.5-43.1 23-29 58.4-73.7
11 70-100 31.8-45.4 24-30 61-76.2
12 70-105 31.8-47.6 24-30.5 61-77.5
2 Years 75-110 34-49.9 24.5-31 62.2-78.7
3 Years 75-115 34-52.2 25-32 63.5-81.3


Female Collie Weights & Heights by Age

The following chart contains the average weights and heights of female Collies from newborn to 3 years of age. Please note these are only averages. Always consult with your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your Collie’s growth.

Age (Months/Years) Average Weight (lbs) Average Weight (kg) Average Height (inches) Average Height (cm)
0 1-2 0.45-0.9 2.5-3.5 6.4-8.9
1 7-13 3.2-5.9 5.5-8 14-20.3
2 15-25 6.8-11.3 8.5-12.5 21.6-31.8
3 25-35 11.3-15.9 11-16 28-40.6
4 30-45 13.6-20.4 13-18 33-45.7
5 35-50 15.9-22.7 15-20 38.1-50.8
6 40-60 18.1-27.2 16-22 40.6-55.9
7 45-65 20.4-29.5 18-24 45.7-61
8 50-70 22.7-31.8 19-25 48.3-63.5
9 55-75 24.9-34 20-26 50.8-66
10 60-80 27.2-36.3 21-27 53.3-68.6
11 65-85 29.5-38.6 22-28 55.9-71.1
12 65-90 29.5-40.8 23-29 58.4-73.7
2 Years 70-95 31.8-43.1 23.5-30 59.7-76.2
3 Years 70-100 31.8-45.4 24-31 61-78.7

These tables are based on general guidelines and can vary greatly depending on individual dogs. Always consult with a veterinarian or professional breeder for more specific information about your pet’s growth and development.

FAQs about a Collie Puppy’s Growth and Development

  1. How quickly will my Collie puppy grow in the first year?
    Collies experience rapid growth in their first year, especially during the first six months. They can reach near-adult size by 9-12 months, though they continue to fill out and mature beyond their first year.
  2. When will my Collie puppy reach its full height?
    Most Collies reach their full height by 12-15 months of age. However, they might continue to fill out in terms of muscle and bulk for several months afterward.
  3. Are there growth charts specific to Collies?
    Yes, there are growth charts specific to Collies that provide average weight and height milestones. They serve as a general guideline, but individual growth can vary based on factors like diet, genetics, and exercise.
  4. How much should my Collie puppy eat to support growth?
    The amount a Collie puppy should eat varies by age, activity level, and specific food brand. Always follow the feeding guidelines provided on the dog food packaging and consult with your veterinarian for specific recommendations.
  5. Will neutering or spaying affect my Collie’s growth?
    Neutering or spaying can slightly influence a Collie’s growth, particularly in terms of when growth plates close. Consult with your veterinarian about the best age to neuter or spay to ensure optimal growth and health.
  6. Why does my Collie puppy have uneven growth, like bigger front legs?
    Puppies often go through growth spurts where certain body parts seem disproportionately larger. This is usually temporary, and as they continue to grow, their proportions generally even out.
  7. My Collie puppy seems underweight. What should I do?
    If your Collie appears underweight, consult with a veterinarian. They can provide guidance on feeding, ensure there’s no underlying health issue, and suggest a diet plan if needed.
  8. Is there a difference in growth rates between male and female Collies?
    Yes, male Collies tend to be larger and might grow slightly faster and longer than females, who typically mature a bit earlier.
  9. When will my Collie puppy’s coat fully develop?
    While Collie puppies are born with a soft, short coat, their fuller double coat typically starts to develop around 4-6 months and can continue to mature up to two years of age.
  10. How can I ensure my Collie puppy’s bones and joints develop properly?
    Provide balanced nutrition, avoid strenuous or high-impact activities while they’re still growing, and regularly check with your vet to ensure optimal bone and joint health.
  11. Is it okay for Collie puppies to climb stairs?
    Limiting stair climbing for young Collies can help prevent unnecessary strain on developing joints. If stairs are unavoidable, ensure they’re climbed slowly and infrequently.
  12. What are “growth plates” in Collies?
    Growth plates are soft areas at the end of long bones in puppies. They gradually harden as the puppy matures, but until they do, they’re vulnerable to injury.
  13. How can I tell if my Collie is overweight?
    An overweight Collie may lack a visible waistline when viewed from above and may not have noticeable ribs when touched. If in doubt, consult with your vet.
  14. What if my Collie isn’t aligning with the growth charts?
    Remember, growth charts are averages. Some healthy Collies might grow faster or slower. It’s always best to discuss any concerns with your vet.
  15. Can over-exercising harm my growing Collie puppy?
    Yes, excessive or high-impact exercise can potentially harm a Collie puppy’s developing joints and bones. It’s crucial to balance play and rest times.
  16. Is it normal for my Collie puppy to lose teeth?
    Yes, just like humans, Collie puppies lose their baby teeth, which are replaced by adult teeth. This usually occurs between 3 to 7 months of age.
  17. When does Collie’s head fully develop?
    A Collie’s head will continue to mature and develop until they’re around 2-3 years old, with males typically having a broader appearance than females.
  18. Do Collies have any breed-specific growth-related health issues?
    Collies can be predisposed to certain health issues like hip dysplasia. Regular vet check-ups and being informed about potential breed-specific concerns can help early detection.
  19. How much sleep does a growing Collie puppy need?
    Collie puppies, like most puppies, need a lot of sleep to support their rapid growth, often sleeping 18-20 hours a day in the first few months.
  20. When is a Collie considered fully grown?
    While most of their height is achieved by 12-15 months, Collies are generally considered fully matured, both physically and mentally, by 2-3 years of age.

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