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Male & Female Dalmatian Weights & Heights by Age

Written by: Zyra Capalac
Zyra is a Special Project Coordinator of HomeLife Media and a writer for She has 3 dogs namely Skye, Luna, and one of them is a rescue, named Tesla.Read more
| Published on April 12, 2024

Dalmatians are a distinctive breed, renowned for their unique black or liver-spotted coat. Adult male Dalmatians typically weigh between 45 to 70 pounds, while females are usually lighter, weighing between 40 to 55 pounds. As for height, males stand at about 22 to 24 inches at the shoulder, and females slightly smaller, ranging from 20 to 22 inches. These measurements position Dalmatians as medium-sized dogs with a slim, muscular build, making them agile and capable of high endurance. Their size and vigor underline their historical role as carriage dogs, adept at running long distances.

Male Dalmatian Weights & Heights by Age

The following chart contains the average weights and heights of male Dalmatians from newborn to 3 years of age. Please note these are only averages. Always consult with your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your Dalmatian’s growth.

Age (Months) Average Weight (lbs) Average Weight (kg) Average Height (inches) Average Height (cm)
0 1-3 0.45-1.36 4-6 10-15
1 8-12 3.6-5.4 6-9 15-23
2 12-20 5.4-9.1 8-11 20-28
3 20-30 9.1-13.6 10-14 25-36
4 25-35 11.3-15.9 12-16 30-41
6 30-45 13.6-20.4 14-18 36-46
8 35-50 15.9-22.7 16-20 41-51
12 40-55 18.1-24.9 18-22 46-56
24 45-70 20.4-31.8 22-24 56-61
36 45-70 20.4-31.8 22-24 56-61

Female Dalmatian Weights & Heights by Age

The following chart contains the average weights and heights of female Dalmatians from newborn to 3 years of age. Please note these are only averages. Always consult with your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your Dalmatian’s growth.

Age (Months) Average Weight (lbs) Average Weight (kg) Average Height (inches) Average Height (cm)
0 1-3 0.45-1.36 4-6 10-15
1 7-10 3.2-4.5 6-8 15-20
2 10-18 4.5-8.2 8-10 20-25
3 18-26 8.2-11.8 10-12 25-30
4 22-30 10-13.6 12-14 30-36
6 25-35 11.3-15.9 13-17 33-43
8 30-40 13.6-18.1 15-19 38-48
12 35-45 15.9-20.4 17-20 43-51
24 40-55 18.1-24.9 20-22 51-56
36 40-55 18.1-24.9 20-22 51-56

These tables are based on general guidelines and can vary greatly depending on individual dogs. Always consult with a veterinarian or professional breeder for more specific information about your pet’s growth and development.

FAQs about a Dalmatian Puppy’s Growth and Development

1. What is the average weight of a Dalmatian puppy at 3 months old?
At 3 months, Dalmatian puppies usually weigh between 20 to 30 pounds (9.1 to 13.6 kg). This rapid growth phase is crucial, and your puppy should be gaining consistently each week. Proper nutrition and regular vet check-ups during this period are vital to ensure healthy development.

2. How much should a 6-month-old Dalmatian puppy weigh?
By 6 months, Dalmatian puppies generally weigh between 30 to 45 pounds (13.6 to 20.4 kg). They experience a growth spurt during this period. It’s important to monitor their diet to avoid excessive weight gain which can lead to joint issues later on.

3. What is the expected height of a Dalmatian at 12 months?
At 12 months, a Dalmatian puppy should be close to its adult height, ranging from 18 to 22 inches (46 to 56 cm) at the shoulder. They may continue to fill out and gain muscle mass beyond this age.

4. When do Dalmatian puppies stop growing?
Dalmatians typically stop growing in height by 16 months but can continue to develop muscle and fill out until they are about 2 years old. Their growth plates usually close by 18 months, marking the end of skeletal growth.

5. Why is my Dalmatian puppy not gaining weight?
If your Dalmatian puppy is not gaining weight, it could be due to insufficient diet, parasites, or a health issue. Consult your veterinarian to rule out any medical problems and ensure your puppy is on a balanced diet suitable for their growth needs.

6. How fast should a Dalmatian puppy gain weight?
Healthy Dalmatian puppies should gain steadily, with an average of 1-2 pounds (0.45-0.9 kg) per week in the first six months. Weight gain will slow down as they approach their adult size.

7. What should I feed my Dalmatian puppy to support healthy growth?
Feed your Dalmatian puppy high-quality puppy food that’s formulated for medium to large breeds. Ensure it has the right balance of protein, fat, and essential nutrients to support their rapid growth and energy levels.

8. Can overfeeding my Dalmatian puppy cause health issues?
Yes, overfeeding can lead to obesity and orthopedic problems, such as hip dysplasia, especially in a growing Dalmatian. Follow feeding guidelines on puppy food labels and adjust as necessary with your vet’s advice.

9. How often should I measure my Dalmatian puppy’s height and weight?
Measuring your puppy’s height and weight monthly can help you track their growth and ensure they are on the right path. Regular vet visits also help monitor their development accurately.

10. What are growth spurts, and when do they happen in Dalmatians?
Growth spurts in Dalmatians can occur at various stages, typically around 4-9 months. During these periods, puppies may suddenly increase in height and weight rapidly.

11. Is there a difference in growth rates between male and female Dalmatians?
Yes, male Dalmatians typically grow larger and may continue to grow for a longer period compared to females. This difference can be noticed in both height and weight.

12. How can I tell if my Dalmatian puppy is overweight?
You should be able to feel but not see their ribs without pressing hard; if you can’t, your puppy may be overweight. A visible waist when looking from above is a good indicator of a healthy weight.

13. What is the maximum height a Dalmatian can reach?
Male Dalmatians can reach up to 24 inches (61 cm) in height, while females may reach up to 22 inches (56 cm). Heights beyond this are uncommon and should be checked for accuracy.

14. My Dalmatian puppy looks skinny; should I be concerned?
Dalmatians are naturally slim with a muscular build. However, if the spine or hip bones are prominently visible, consult your vet to ensure there aren’t any health issues or deficiencies in their diet.

15. How do genetics affect my Dalmatian’s growth?
Genetics play a crucial role in the growth potential of your Dalmatian. The size of the puppy’s parents can give you a good indication of their potential adult size.

16. Should I give supplements to my Dalmatian puppy for better growth?
Supplements are not usually necessary if your puppy is on a balanced diet. Excessive supplementation, especially calcium, can harm their growth and bone development.

17. What are common growth-related health issues in Dalmatians?
Dalmatians can be prone to developmental orthopedic diseases like hip dysplasia, especially if they grow too quickly or are overweight during their puppy stages.

18. How does exercise affect my Dalmatian puppy’s growth?
Moderate exercise is crucial for healthy growth. However, too much vigorous activity can stress their developing bones and joints. Stick to gentle, controlled activities until they are fully grown.

19. Can a poor diet permanently affect my Dalmatian’s growth?
A poor diet during critical growth periods can lead to stunted growth and health issues. Balanced nutrition is key for proper development and long-term health.

20. What is the best way to monitor my Dalmatian puppy’s growth?
Regular check-ups with your veterinarian and keeping a growth chart are the best ways to monitor your puppy’s growth. Adjustments in diet and exercise can be made based on professional feedback and observations.

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