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Personal Trainer Brings Home Morbidly Obese Dog To ‘Whip Her Into Shape’

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| July 25, 2023

An obese dog named Margo came to the shelter weighing 120 pounds. When a shelter volunteer, Kelly, met the pup, she said, “She’s not a dog, she’s like a blob.” Margo was found on the streets, but Kelly didn’t believe she was a stray. Not at that weight! It was apparent she had been eating regularly and was likely dumped by her owner.


Because of Margo’s size, Kelly didn’t believe she’d find a home. It broke her heart! The kind woman contacted One Love Pit Bull Foundation to see if they would sponsor the pup, and they agreed! Kelly decided to foster Margo and brought her home.


The chunky dog needed a ramp to get into Kelly’s truck. But we’re sure the dog was relieved to leave the shelter behind, regardless. Now in her foster home, Margo is on her way to losing weight so she can go to her forever family. She was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and is now on medication. Her calorie restriction has helped tremendously as well. She has lost 25 pounds so far! Hooray! We are so proud of you, Margo! Way to go!

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