Twelve-year-old Sean is an incredible kid! In a video, he talks about his Autism Service Dog named Max. Sean says Max is a big help whenever he’s sad or angry. Sean “is high functioning on the spectrum.” Max is his constant companion and brings him both joy and comfort.

According to WebMD, high-functioning autism “Is an informal [term] some people use when they talk about people with an autism spectrum disorder who can speak, read, write, and handle basic life skills like eating and getting dressed.”

Max is well-trained and understands commands which are necessary to help Sean. For example, Sean had a rough night with homework. He was angry and frustrated. Max sensed how Sean was feeling and quickly came to Sean’s side to calm him down. Petting Max and giving him lots of snuggles helps Sean tremendously.

Sean’s words say it best. When Max comes to his aid, it’s as if his service dog is saying, “I care about you. If no one else does, I care about you.” Sean boasts that Max is a good boy and his best friend! The story in the video below is both heartwarming and informative. Service dogs are awesome!