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Monty, The UK’s Most Unwanted Pup, Has Only Known Abuse And A Life In Shelters

By: Stephanie Maguire
Stephanie Maguire is a writer for She loves animals so much that she started her own pet-sitting business in 2017, and goes out of her way to point-out and pet every single dog she sees.Read more
| June 3, 2022

Monty, an eight-year-old black Lurcher mix, has spent all but a single year of his life as a resident of Last Chance Animal Rescue in Edenbridge. He has been passed over so many times and has spent so much time searching for a home that he has become known as one of the “UK’s Most Unwanted Dogs.” But perhaps all of that can change if we chat up this handsome, loveable pup. 

Monty Sitting
Last Chance Animal Rescue

Sadly, Monty’s life started out even worse than he has it now. Poor Monty spent almost every moment of the first year of his life shoved into a tiny cage. Due to this mistreatment by his first family, this sweet boy now lives every day of his life with a hunchback and major trust issues.

Monty on bed
Last Chance Animal Rescue

The people he loved and trusted the most betrayed him in the most horrible way. Because of this, Monty has now spent the majority of his life in shelters. Due to his mistreatment, Monty struggles to distinguish between friend or foe – whether it be humans or other animals.

“Monty has become very loving towards the staff and loves to have attention and cuddles on the sofa, but of course this has taken time and patience to achieve and we want to be frank about his hang ups.”

Monty’s forever family will require incredible amounts of love, patience, and a very particular set of circumstances. Monty is a Lurcher or a cross between a sighthound (such as a Greyhound) and a herding or terrier breed. They are well known for being high-energy, fun-loving and affectionate. But Monty’s horrible mistreatment has him initially fearful, so his affections must be gained slowly through patience and trust.

Monty in grass
Last Chance Animal Rescue

He is high-energy and loves to chase tennis balls, so having a backyard is a must. Monty struggles with jealousy and doesn’t want to share any attention with other people or animals. So a single-person home, without any other animals, would work best.

“The reason we have had Monty with us for so long is that he is not an easy dog but we are sure there may be someone out there he could call his own and will love him for what he is, a slightly damaged rogue.”

Sweet Monty is looking for a single-person home with a yard, tons of tennis balls, and no other pets. Monty’s ideal human needs lots of patience and even more love to give. Ideally, his furever home won’t be too far from his shelter, Last Chance Animal Rescue, as multiple visits prior to adoption will be required. However, you’re free to travel as far as you like if you’ve fallen head over heels for Monty and want to give him a much-needed safe and happy life. We’re confident the perfect person is out there for this lovable Lurcher.

Monty with handler

Let’s help find this beautiful boy, who has lived far too long in shelters, a loving forever family of his very own. Share this story like crazy and help Money fill the last few years of his life with the insane amount of love that he so desperately deserves.

Check out Last Chance Animal Rescue’s website for more information about Monty.

Featured Image: Last Chance Animal Rescue

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