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Morbidly Obese Dog Makes a Life-Changing Decision, Inspiring Everyone

By: Russel Moneva
Russel Moneva, a Viral Content writer at iHeartDogs, finds joy in both crafting engaging content and pursuing his passion for basketball and fitness whenever he's not immersed in his work.Read more
| October 3, 2024

Strudel, a sweet 7-year-old dog, was dealt a rough hand when her elderly owner passed away, leaving her without a home and in desperate need of care. Weighing in at a staggering 81 pounds—significantly overweight for her breed—Strudel was soon taken in by Hearts for Hounds, a rescue group dedicated to giving dogs like her a second chance. At the time, Strudel’s excessive weight had begun to take a toll on her health, causing painful joint inflammation and making simple movements a challenge. But little did she know, her life was about to change in ways she couldn’t imagine.

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Enter Kristy and John, the compassionate owners of Zoom Room Virginia Beach, a dog training business with a passion for helping canines live their best lives. The couple first heard about Strudel through Hearts for Hounds, and her story tugged at their hearts. Strudel wasn’t just an overweight dog in need of a home—she was a dog in need of a complete life transformation. Moved by her plight, Kristy and John reached out to the rescue group and offered their assistance.

Upon learning about Strudel’s condition, they didn’t hesitate to step in. Kristy and John not only offered their fitness expertise but also generously provided their services for free. They knew that Strudel’s situation called for more than just a new home—she needed a lifestyle overhaul. Partnering with a veterinarian, they began by crafting a personalized weight loss plan to help Strudel shed the extra pounds. Together, they focused on reworking her diet, limiting unhealthy treats, and ensuring her meals were well-balanced and nutritious.

In addition to dietary changes, Kristy and John believed in the power of exercise to jump-start Strudel’s journey to health. Recognizing that the typical walking regimen might be too strenuous for her, they decided to get creative. The couple designed and built an agility course specially tailored for Strudel. To their amazement, the overweight pup took to the agility course with enthusiasm and determination—like she was born for it!

“We typically motivate dogs with treats, toys, and lots of praise,” Kristy shared in an interview with HuffPost, “but with Strudel, we didn’t need any treats. It was like she knew what she had to do, and all she needed was a little bit of encouragement. She was motivated by praise alone, and she tackled the agility course like a natural.”

From the moment Strudel stepped onto the agility track, it was clear that something had clicked for her. No longer was she the sluggish, overweight dog that struggled to move—she was becoming an athlete, rediscovering her natural instincts and energy. As the pounds began to melt away, her personality started to blossom. Her energy levels soared, and she soon began showing signs of the happy, playful dog she was meant to be.

Thanks to the dedicated efforts of Kristy and John, Strudel lost an impressive 25 pounds over the course of her fitness journey. Her once inflamed joints started to improve, and the extra weight that had once been a burden was no longer holding her back. Strudel was experiencing a total transformation—not just physically, but emotionally as well. Her spirits were high, and her zest for life was undeniable.

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But Strudel’s journey didn’t end with weight loss. While she still had some lingering joint issues, especially when it came to climbing stairs, the improvement in her overall health was nothing short of remarkable. Strudel’s newfound mobility allowed her to engage in playful activities, and she developed a love for running and socializing. The once-sedentary dog had become a bundle of energy, eager to interact with other animals and people.

With Strudel’s health now stabilized, Hearts for Hounds decided it was time for her to experience the joys of living in a foster home while she waited for her forever family. She was placed in the care of Kristen Horton, a foster parent who quickly fell in love with Strudel’s gentle and kind nature. Despite her earlier challenges, Strudel was an incredibly sweet and affectionate dog, always ready to give love and receive belly rubs.

“Strudel is one of the most lovable animals I’ve ever had the pleasure of fostering,” Kristen Horton said in an email interview. “She’s calm, gentle, and so friendly. She loves to play, but she also enjoys her quiet time snuggling on the couch. She’s incredibly well-trained, too. It’s amazing to see her transformation—from an overweight dog to a gentle giant who loves life. Well, maybe not such a giant anymore!”

As Strudel’s fitness journey continued, her playful side became even more apparent. Kristen soon discovered that with her newfound energy, Strudel’s mischievous side began to emerge—especially when it came to interacting with Kristen’s cat. As Strudel regained her strength and mobility, she began to engage in playful antics that the cat didn’t appreciate. It was clear that Strudel was feeling better than ever, but her playful personality wasn’t exactly a match for her feline foster sibling. Despite this minor challenge, Kristen knew Strudel was ready for the next chapter of her life: finding a permanent home.

Strudel is now searching for her forever family through Hearts for Hounds. With her energy levels up and her health improved, she’s ready for a home that will keep her active and engaged. Although she still has some minor joint discomfort that makes stairs a little difficult, Strudel is otherwise a happy, healthy dog with so much love to give. Her ideal family would be one with children or other dogs, as she thrives in social environments and loves to play. However, a home without cats might be best for this fun-loving pup!

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What these dogs went through must have been terrifying and painful. That's why we're demanding true and complete justice for these pups and their family.


Strudel’s transformation serves as a powerful reminder of the resilience and strength of animals when given the right care and attention. From a dog burdened by excess weight and joint pain to an agile, energetic companion, Strudel’s journey is nothing short of inspiring. Her story shows that with dedication, patience, and love, even the most challenging obstacles can be overcome.

As Strudel continues her search for her forever home, one thing is certain—whoever adopts this incredible dog will be gaining a loyal and loving companion. Strudel’s weight loss journey wasn’t just about shedding pounds; it was about reclaiming her life, health, and happiness. Now, this once-overweight pup is proof that any dog, no matter how difficult their circumstances, can turn their life around and become a shining example of hope and perseverance.

Click the video below to watch this incredible story!

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