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Dog ‘Miraculously’ Returned Alive and “Well, Just 2-Days After We Thought We Had Buried Her”

By: Russel Moneva
Russel Moneva, a Viral Content writer at iHeartDogs, finds joy in both crafting engaging content and pursuing his passion for basketball and fitness whenever he's not immersed in his work.Read more
| July 4, 2024

In the picturesque and charming town of Suffolk, nestled in the heart of East Anglia, Codie Hutton shared an extraordinary and unbreakable bond with her cherished springer spaniel, Maisie, for an incredible nine years. Maisie was much more than just a pet; she was an integral part of the Hutton family, growing up alongside Codie and evolving into her most trusted and loyal friend over the past three years. The Hutton family’s deep love for Maisie was profound and unwavering, making it impossible for them to imagine their lives without her joyful presence.

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One fateful November day, the Hutton family’s world was turned upside down. Codie decided to take Maisie on a long drive, a routine both enjoyed. During a stop to let Maisie stretch her legs, an unexpected firework exploded nearby, startling Maisie and causing her to bolt from the car in fear.

Codie recounted the incident to the East Anglian Daily Times, saying, “She just bolted. Straight out of the car.”

Familiar with Maisie’s usual behavior, Codie expected her to return after finding a safe hiding spot behind some bushes. However, this time, Maisie didn’t come back. As the hours passed, Codie and her father grew increasingly worried. Their concern escalated when they received information that Maisie had been spotted far from their parked car.

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Codie shared the details: “Someone saw her get clipped by a car, which was a blessing in disguise as she wasn’t hurt and it altered her course away from the A12.”

Determined to find Maisie, Codie and her father spent a restless night at the last known location where Maisie was seen, hoping to resume their search at first light. As dawn broke, they were met with devastating news. They received a call about a dog-like creature found flattened on the road and were asked to confirm if it was Maisie.

Despite the vets being unable to locate a microchip, the distinctive markings on the animal’s legs convinced Codie that it was her beloved Maisie. Overcome with grief, Codie took the animal home and buried it in their backyard, telling her 3-year-old son, Tylen, that Maisie was now a star in doggy heaven.

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The family was heartbroken, struggling to come to terms with their loss. However, a surprising phone call a few days later reignited a glimmer of hope. The call was about a dog resembling Maisie, spotted miles away from where she had gone missing. They received a photo, but Codie, wary of false hope, was cautious.

Nevertheless, Codie and her father decided to investigate. The journey was filled with a mix of hope and apprehension. As they arrived at the location, their hopes were answered in the most miraculous way. It was unmistakably Maisie. The dog, filled with joy, wagged her tail furiously and whimpered as she was reunited with Codie.

The emotional reunion was overwhelming. Codie couldn’t believe her eyes, and her 3-year-old son, Tylen, was ecstatic to have his best friend back. The family’s grief was transformed into joy and relief.

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The twist in this heartwarming tale was that the animal they had buried turned out to be likely a fox, not Maisie. Reflecting on the incredible series of events, Codie told the East Anglian Daily Times, “I thought she was gone. I thought I was never going to see her again. I still couldn’t believe it was my Maisie.”

The miraculous return of Maisie brought immense joy to the Hutton family, reinforcing the unbreakable bond they shared with their beloved pet. The entire experience was a rollercoaster of emotions, from the depths of despair to the heights of joy, but in the end, Codie and Maisie were reunited, and their story became a testament to hope and the incredible bonds between humans and their pets.

Click the video below to watch this incredible story!

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