Five-year-old Noah and his dog Laika shared an incredible bond, but when Laika was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor, the family faced a heartbreaking decision. Noah was so attached to his dog that they went everywhere together. They could be seen snuggling on a constant basis. In fact, the two of them had been together since Noah was born.

When Laika became ill, Noah’s parents raced her to the animal clinic. The veterinarian had a grim diagnosis that would rock their world and break Noah’s heart. Laika had a tumor and needed expensive specialized surgery to save her life. But because it was risky, there was no guarantee Laika would make it through. The vet gave them the option of euthanizing Laika.

Knowing they didn’t have the money to help her, Noah’s parents made the decision to put her down. But before it was time for Laika to go, they took her on a beautiful vacation where she could enjoy her family. Noah paid extra attention to Laika, snuggling her more frequently than before. It was as if the boy knew Laika was sick and needed him more than ever.
The inevitable time came and Noah’s family knew this would destroy them all. Suddenly, they got a phone call. It was the animal clinic that had surprising news. One of the vet techs posted Laika’s story online and donations came pouring in for her surgery.

The family was elated. Noah’s parents explained to him that Laika had to go to the doctor’s for a lengthy period of time. He held his dog tight and told her everything would be okay. The dog had suffered from many health issues before and her family nervously awaited as she went in for surgery.
After the procedure, it was touch and go but Laika eventually pulled through! The staff believed that because of all the love and special attention she got from her doting family, she fought harder to survive.