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Old Dog Blocks Road, Refusing to Move Until Officer Follows Her for Help

By: Russel Moneva
Russel Moneva, a Viral Content writer at iHeartDogs, finds joy in both crafting engaging content and pursuing his passion for basketball and fitness whenever he's not immersed in his work.Read more
| October 25, 2024

On what seemed like an ordinary September afternoon, Deputy Wright of Stevens County was conducting his usual patrol through a remote, heavily wooded area. The peaceful quiet of the rural surroundings was suddenly interrupted when he spotted something unusual—a dog sitting alone in the middle of the road. The dog’s calm, unbothered demeanor struck Wright as odd, especially since there were no visible homes or people anywhere nearby. Unsure of how the dog had ended up in such a secluded location, Wright’s curiosity and concern immediately piqued. This was just the beginning of an unexpected rescue mission.

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In this rural part of the county, there were no homes visible nearby, leaving the deputy puzzled as to where this dog could have come from. The sight of an unattended animal in such an isolated area was unusual. Concerned for the dog’s safety and curious about its origins, Wright stopped his patrol car and approached the dog.

As he got closer, he could see that the dog wasn’t anxious or frightened. Instead, it sat with an air of calm and focus, as if it was waiting for something or someone. Naturally, Deputy Wright’s first instinct was to help. He bent down and attempted to coax the dog into his patrol car, intending to take it to the nearest shelter or try to locate its owner. However, the dog, showing a bit of stubbornness, refused to budge.

At this point, most officers might have given up, but Deputy Wright wasn’t ready to throw in the towel. The dog’s behavior didn’t strike him as typical of a stray. Something about the animal’s composure—and the fact that it wasn’t wandering aimlessly—stuck with him. Determined to help, Wright decided to expand his search.

He drove around the nearby area, checking the closest homes within a mile radius. He knocked on doors and asked residents if they recognized the dog or if anyone nearby had reported a missing pet. Despite his best efforts, no one in the vicinity seemed to know anything about the dog, and there were no reports of a lost animal.

Frustrated but still curious, Deputy Wright returned to the spot where he had initially found the dog. This time, the dog had repositioned itself, lying down in the middle of the road as if to prevent anyone from passing without noticing. The dog’s behavior wasn’t just unusual—it felt intentional. Wright couldn’t shake the feeling that the dog was trying to tell him something.

Trusting his instincts, the deputy approached the dog once again. As he got closer, the dog suddenly stood up and, without warning, darted off toward a narrow, unmarked road that led deeper into the forest. Intrigued, Wright made the split-second decision to follow the dog, wondering where it might lead him.

The unmarked road was rough and scarcely traveled, surrounded by thick woods on either side. As Deputy Wright followed the dog farther into the trees, the surroundings grew more secluded. The road twisted and turned, leading him farther from any sign of civilization. Despite the rugged terrain, the dog never hesitated, moving swiftly ahead as if it knew exactly where it was going.

After several minutes, the dog led Deputy Wright to a small, secluded summer cabin tucked deep in the woods. The cabin appeared quiet, almost too quiet, with no signs of life or movement around it. Something didn’t feel right.

Wright parked his vehicle and began to inspect the area. He called out, but there was no response. Then, just as he was about to circle back toward the cabin, he heard a faint, weak voice calling for help. The voice was coming from just beyond the cabin.

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Deputy Wright rushed toward the sound and soon discovered an elderly man lying on the ground, clearly in distress. The man, 84 years old, had fallen and injured his leg hours earlier. He had been stranded in the isolated woods, unable to stand or call for help. Worse still, the man had multiple medical conditions that required regular medication, and with every passing hour, his condition was becoming more precarious.

Had Deputy Wright not arrived when he did, the outcome could have been dire. The elderly man had been growing weaker, and with no nearby neighbors, it was unlikely anyone would have stumbled upon him by chance. But as it turned out, the man wasn’t completely alone.

The dog that had led Wright to the cabin was not a stray at all—it was the man’s beloved pet. The dog, named Gita, was a 13-year-old rescue dog who had been the man’s loyal companion for years. When her owner fell and couldn’t get up, Gita stayed by his side for as long as she could, offering him comfort and companionship.

However, Gita’s loyalty didn’t end there. Sensing that her owner was in serious trouble and needed help, the intelligent dog made the brave decision to leave his side and set out on her own to find someone who could assist. Her determination to find help had brought her to the road where Deputy Wright found her.

It was Gita’s unshakeable bond with her owner and her incredible instincts that ultimately saved the day. Without her actions, it’s unlikely that anyone would have discovered the man in time. Gita had led Wright directly to the cabin and, in doing so, had saved her owner’s life.

Deputy Wright wasted no time calling for medical assistance. Soon after, paramedics arrived and provided the elderly man with the care he desperately needed. He was taken to a nearby hospital, where he received treatment for his injuries and medical conditions. Thanks to Gita and Deputy Wright, the man made a full recovery.

This heartwarming rescue story showcases the deep connection between humans and their pets, highlighting just how intelligent and compassionate animals can be. Gita, a dog who had once been rescued herself, had become the rescuer, demonstrating the remarkable loyalty that pets can offer.

Deputy Wright’s instincts and perseverance also played a crucial role in this life-saving mission. His decision to trust his gut and follow the dog into the woods led to a happy ending that might not have otherwise been possible. The deputy’s quick thinking and determination to go the extra mile—both literally and figuratively—helped ensure the safety of both Gita and her owner.

For Gita, this was just one example of how animals can sense when their humans are in need. Whether it’s offering comfort, standing guard, or, in Gita’s case, seeking help, pets often go above and beyond to protect those they love. Gita’s incredible actions prove that dogs are more than just companions—they are protectors, caretakers, and in some cases, heroes.

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Ban the sale of puppy mill dogs at pet stores to end this cruel industry for good.
Ban the sale of puppy mill dogs at pet stores to end this cruel industry for good.

Puppy mills are mass breeding operations that run solely to make a profit. Support a nationwide ban on selling puppy mill animals at pet stores.


The Stevens County Sheriff’s Office shared this amazing story on their social media, where both Deputy Wright and Gita were celebrated for their heroic efforts. The post quickly gained attention, with many people praising the deputy’s intuition and the dog’s bravery.

As for Gita, the true hero of the day, she has earned a lifetime of praise, treats, and love. Her determination to find help when her owner needed it most has cemented her place as a beloved member of her family and a shining example of just how extraordinary animals can be. This loyal dog didn’t just save her owner—she reminded us all of the incredible power of love and loyalty between humans and their furry friends.

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