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Dog With Dementia Hasn’t Forgotten 1 Habit That Wins His Daddy’s Heart

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| October 5, 2023

Meet Piper, a 17-year-old dog who has overcome numerous challenges in his life, including doggy dementia, blindness, and deafness. Piper’s story began when he and his brother were abandoned in a box at a shelter in Jacksonville, Florida. Dennis Gerard, Piper’s owner, met the malnourished pup and knew they were meant to be together. Since then, Piper has been showered with love and care from Dennis and his family.


In the beginning, Piper was shy and hesitant, but he quickly warmed up to his new family. Dennis always reassures Piper that he is a good boy and loved. Piper has even learned to fake injuries to get treats from his owner, a habit Dennis admits works every time.


Over the years, Piper has faced several health challenges. He lost all his teeth about a year ago, and in the last couple of months, he has lost both his vision and hearing. It took about a year for Piper to go completely blind, during which Dennis trained him to navigate around the house. Piper also suffers from doggy dementia, which causes him to forget where he’s going or what he’s doing. At first, it only affected him for about half an hour a night, but now it lasts up to three hours.


Despite these challenges, Piper has adapted remarkably well. He still has an internal clock that tells him when it’s time to eat and sleep, and he can navigate around the house without bumping into things. When Dennis comes home from work, Piper can smell him from the back of the house and slowly walks to greet him.

Dennis is constantly worried about Piper and does everything he can to make his life comfortable. He communicates with Piper through touch and provides the best care possible. Dennis knows that he is Piper’s whole world, and he takes that responsibility seriously.

Piper’s story, despite his challenges, will warm your heart and soul. Senior dogs deserve the best life possible, no matter what! Thank you, Dennis, for providing a wonderful home for Piper and continuing to give him all your love and support!

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