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10 Quiet & Discreet Dog Breeds Great for Apartment Dwellers

Written by: Arlene D.
| Published on April 20, 2024

Living in an apartment comes with its unique set of challenges and considerations, especially when choosing a dog. For urban dwellers, certain dog breeds are more suitable due to their size, energy levels, and notably, their tendency to be quieter. Quiet and discreet dog breeds are ideal for apartment living as they are less likely to cause disturbances, making them good neighbors in close living quarters. These breeds typically have lower barking tendencies and can adapt to smaller spaces without sacrificing their happiness or health. In this article, we will explore ten dog breeds known for their calm demeanor and low noise levels, making them perfect companions for apartment residents who seek the loving company of a dog without the usual fuss and loudness associated with canine pets.

1. Basenji

The Basenji, often referred to as the “barkless dog,” is an ideal breed for apartment living due to its unique vocal characteristics. While they are not completely silent, Basenjis do not bark; they produce a unique sound known as a “baroo,” thanks to their unusually shaped larynx. This makes them particularly suitable for environments where noise is a concern. Additionally, Basenjis are small to medium in size, energetic without being hyperactive, and are known for their clean habits, much like cats. These traits make the Basenji a low-maintenance companion in an apartment setting, as long as they receive adequate exercise and mental stimulation.

2. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are known for their affectionate nature and adaptable personality, making them perfect for life in smaller living spaces like apartments. They are relatively quiet and are not prone to excessive barking, although they will alert their owners to visitors or unusual activities. These spaniels are small and generally easy to manage, which helps in maintaining a calm environment. Their sociable nature means they generally get along well with other pets and people, reducing the likelihood of noisy confrontations. Regular, moderate exercise is sufficient to keep this breed healthy and content, fitting well with the lifestyle of urban apartment dwellers.

3. Greyhound

Despite their reputation as racing dogs, Greyhounds are surprisingly well-suited for apartment living. They are often referred to as “45-mile-per-hour couch potatoes” because they enjoy lounging and resting more than one might expect. Greyhounds are very quiet, seldom barking, and their calm demeanor makes them excellent pets for living in close quarters. They do need some exercise to maintain their health, but a few short walks and a moderate run are usually enough. Their gentle and friendly nature makes them easy to manage, both in and out of the apartment.

4. French Bulldog

French Bulldogs are another breed that is well-suited for apartment life due to their small size and relatively sedentary nature. They are not known to be barkers, which is a significant plus for apartment settings. French Bulldogs are content to spend much of their time resting, and while they do enjoy being active, their exercise needs are modest compared to more energetic breeds. Their friendly attitude makes them great companions, and they tend to form strong bonds with their family members, ensuring a peaceful coexistence in a smaller home.

5. Shih Tzu

Shih Tzus are excellent apartment pets due to their small size and quiet nature. They are generally not big barkers and are content with the indoor life, making them perfect for apartments. Shih Tzus require regular grooming, which can be a bonding activity between the pet and the owner. Their friendly disposition and love for companionship mean they thrive in environments where they can interact frequently with their owners, without needing a lot of space or extensive exercise routines.

6. Japanese Chin

Japanese Chins are small, elegant dogs with a noble and reserved personality. They are perfect for apartments as they are quiet and clean, typically not prone to barking without a good reason. This breed is happy to lounge around the home and requires minimal exercise, making them ideal for less active owners. The Japanese Chin is also known for being particularly good at adapting to its living situation, whether it’s a sprawling estate or a compact apartment, making them exceptionally versatile and easygoing companions.

7. Borzoi

Borzoi dogs, known for their elegant and graceful appearance, are surprisingly well-suited for apartment living. Despite their larger size, they have a calm and gentle demeanor that makes them less disruptive in a home environment. Borzois are not known to be excessive barkers, preferring to observe quietly rather than react with noise. They do require regular exercise to maintain their health and happiness but are content to relax for most of the day. Their quiet, polite nature and tolerance for solitude make them excellent companions for those living in apartments.

8. Italian Greyhound

The Italian Greyhound is a miniature version of the larger Greyhound and shares many of the same traits that make them excellent apartment dwellers. This breed is quiet, low energy, and highly affectionate, preferring to snuggle up rather than engage in noisy play. Italian Greyhounds do not typically bark a lot, making them ideal for a noise-sensitive living environment. They require some daily exercise but are mostly content with short walks and indoor play.

9. Whippet

Whippets are closely related to Greyhounds and share their calm and quiet demeanor. They are excellent for apartment living due to their moderate size and low tendency to bark. Whippets are also known as affectionate and gentle dogs that can comfortably spend much of their time indoors, lounging or curled up beside their owner. They do need regular exercise but are otherwise low maintenance, both in terms of their emotional and physical needs.

10. Scottish Deerhound

Scottish Deerhounds, like their cousin the Greyhound, are large yet surprisingly suitable for apartment living due to their quiet and dignified nature. They are gentle giants who rarely bark and are content with moderate exercise. Their calm disposition makes them less likely to disturb neighbors, which is ideal for apartment settings. Scottish Deerhounds are affectionate and loyal, making them pleasant companions in a cozy home environment.

Choosing the right dog breed for apartment living is crucial to ensure a harmonious living environment both for the pet and the owner. The breeds listed here are known for their quiet demeanor, low exercise needs, and adaptability to smaller spaces, making them ideal choices for those residing in apartments. By selecting a breed that naturally fits into quieter and more confined spaces, apartment dwellers can enjoy the companionship of a dog without undue stress or disruption.