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Rescue Dogs Save A Human’s Life, Then Become The Subjects For Some Truly Unique Photos

| June 23, 2015

For any dog owner, we all know that our dog has a ton of personality. Whether we’ve got a happy go lucky pup or even a prim and proper little princess, our dogs make us laugh with the little things that they do. Elke Vogelsang, a female photographer based in Hildesheim, Germany, has a new book debuting this coming September, called Nice Nosing You. In her latest collection, Elke captures the very essence of a dog’s personality through the beauty of her photography. Using her own three dogs–Ioli, Scout, and Noodles–as subjects, as well as some of her clients’ dogs, she has created images that are so beautiful they instantly bring a smile to your face.

Not only are her dogs her go-to subjects, but also she credits them for saving her husband’s life not long ago. Her husband, Carsten, suffered a brain hemorrhage a few years ago and if it had not had been for their dogs, she honestly doesn’t know if he would still be here today. At the time, their dogs discovered Carsten unconscious in the bathtub, after sensing something was wrong and came to his aid while alarming Elke in the process. “He spent weeks in a coma, months without any short-term memory and months in hospital. My dogs and my photography were my comfort and distraction at that time,” Elke said. So not only are these amazing rescue dogs some beautiful photography subjects, they are true lifesavers. During her husband’s time in the hospital, Elke created a photography diary for him, sharing her images of their precious pets.

Elke’s ability to capture her dogs so expressively sparked a trend with her clients, who soon asked that she capture their dogs as well. The result? Rather impressive! See for yourself below, as Elke was kind enough to share some of her exclusive images from her upcoming book Nice Nosing You, available for pre-order on Amazon.

Pictured from left to right, the three subjects that started it all–Ioli, Scout, and Noodles–in an image called “The Tyrant”


Scout, poking out his tongue:


Jule, a client’s dog, flashing a toothy grin:


The adorable trio yet again:


Scout, just being silly:


Pitufa, a client’s dog, sticking out some tongue:


Noodles, with an interesting Post-it note:


Nova, a client’s dog, gazing deep into the lens:


If you’d like to see more of Elke Vogelsang’s work, you can visit her website:

And she also has a Facebook page:

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