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Scientific Proof Now Tells Us What We Already Knew About Dogs

| Published on March 18, 2016

Dog lovers know in their hearts that being around dogs is good for them, but did you know that there is scientific proof? Science is really catching up with what we already know and research dollars are being invested in proving the value of the human-animal bond. Here are just a few of the reasons everyone should have a dog.


Dogs Make You  Exercise and Improve Your Cardiovascular Health

Dogs need exercise and mental stimulation and so do you, but you are more likely to prioritize it for your friend than for yourself. Studies suggest that four-legged friends can help to improve our cardiovascular health. The American Heart Association states that owning pets reduces the risk of heart disease. Another study found that owning a dog in particular was associated with improved mood and emotional state which in turned improved blood pressure and reduced cardiac arrhythmias.¹


Dogs Remind You To Be Responsible

A dog’s needs can give you the push you need to place something above yourself and because he is right there with you, he is harder to forget. Knowing that something is counting on you is a great way to learn responsibility and selflessness, for children and adults. Countless studies have shown that pet ownership inspires empathy and help build moral intelligence in children. Plus a dog can help remind you to stay on schedule and not lose track of your day.

Dogs Reduce Your Stress

Doctors overwhelmingly believe there are health benefits to owning pets. 97% reported that they believe there were health benefits that resulted from owning a pet. (HABRI Oct 2014 survey) This effect could be related to improved mental health and stress reduction as well. Why would anyone resist having a friend who is so obviously good for you?

A Dog Keeps You From Being Lonely and Improves Your Confidence

Pets always listen wordlessly to you and never argue. Animals can help children learn to read because they listen patiently without judgment. Therapists and researchers have reported that children with autism are sometimes better able to interact with pets than people, and this may help them improve in their social skills on all fronts.

So there are so many great reasons to add a dog to your family. Not only can you save the life of a fur friend, he/she will improve your mood, lower your blood pressure, act as a companion when you are elderly or ill and even help raise your kids!


  1. Pet ownership and cardiovascular risk reduction: supporting evidence, conflicting data and underlying mechanisms.Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2011 Nov;38(11):734-8. doi: 10.1111/j.1440-1681.2011.05583.x.Arhant-Sudhir K Arhant-Sudhir R, Sudhir K.

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