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Top 9 Pet Insurance Plans For Bullmastiffs (2022)

iHeartDogs is reader-supported. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. A dog bred to prowl the wooded estates of aristocrats and hunt down poachers, the Bullmastiff came to be known as “The Gamekeeper’s Night Dog.” The nickname indeed captures the spirit of the breed, with these tough guard dogs being the bane of intruders. But when it comes to their families, the Bullmastiff is a big ol’ … Read more

The Trendy New Kind of Dog Treat Bullmastiffs Go Nuts For

Let’s be honest. Half the reason we give our Bullmastiffs treats is the joy it gives us as owners. Am I right? 🙂 And after all, how could one resist such eyes… Let’s Be Honest. Most Dog Treats Are Junk Food for Dogs. Why is this? There are two main reasons: 1.  Just like humans, dogs like junk! Fat, salt, and sugar taste great and keep us coming back for more. 2. Grains, fat, and other fillers are cheaper for dog … Read more

7 Most Fearless & Daring Dog Breeds

Dogs have been known for their loyalty, bravery, and protective instincts, but some breeds stand out for their fearless and daring nature. These dogs are often used in roles that require courage, such as search and rescue, police work, and guarding. Their boldness and confidence make them excellent companions for those seeking a dog that can stand its ground in the face of danger. This article explores the seven most fearless and daring dog breeds, listed in descending order. From … Read more

13 Most Loyal & Protective Dog Breeds

When selecting a dog, many prospective owners prioritize loyalty and protectiveness as key traits. These qualities are highly valued, especially by families looking for trustworthy companions who guard their homes and loved ones. Loyal and protective dog breeds are known for their strong bonds with their families, vigilance, and readiness to defend their territory against perceived threats. From the well-known German Shepherd to the less familiar Akita Inu, these breeds are celebrated for their unwavering devotion and natural guarding instincts. … Read more

9 Most Robust & Resilient Dog Breeds

When choosing a dog breed, many prospective owners prioritize robustness and resilience, especially if they lead an active lifestyle or live in areas with challenging climates. Robust and resilient dogs can withstand harsh conditions, have fewer health issues, and possess the stamina and strength to keep up with rigorous activities. These breeds often have a strong work ethic and an ability to adapt to various environments, making them ideal companions for outdoor adventures and demanding tasks. From the hearty Siberian … Read more

12 Most Courageous & Bold Dog Breeds

When it comes to choosing a dog breed, many people look for traits such as loyalty, affection, and intelligence. However, courage and boldness are paramount for those who need a dog that can provide protection and exhibit bravery in challenging situations. These courageous dogs are protective of their families and possess a strong sense of duty and confidence. Whether guarding a home, working alongside law enforcement, or simply being a steadfast companion, these breeds demonstrate exceptional bravery and determination. This … Read more

9 Most Sturdy & Robust Dog Breeds

When it comes to choosing a dog breed that is sturdy and robust, many prospective owners seek out breeds that can handle rigorous activities, rough play, and various weather conditions. These dogs are known for their strength, endurance, and resilience, making them ideal companions for outdoor adventures, work, and active lifestyles. Whether you’re looking for a loyal guardian, a hardworking partner, or a resilient family pet, there are several breeds that stand out for their physical robustness and sturdy build. … Read more

8 Most Bold & Courageous Dog Breeds

Dogs have long been valued for their loyalty and bravery, serving as protectors, workers, and companions throughout history. Certain breeds stand out for their exceptional boldness and courage, often displaying remarkable fearlessness and a strong protective instinct. These dogs are physically robust and possess the mental fortitude to face challenges head-on. Whether guarding homes, assisting in rescue operations, or standing by their owners in times of need, these breeds exemplify the true spirit of courage. Here, we explore eight of … Read more

12 Most Adventurous & Brave Dog Breeds

Dogs have been our loyal companions for thousands of years, often displaying remarkable bravery and a keen sense of adventure. Certain breeds stand out for their courage, resilience, and eagerness to explore new terrains. Whether they’re scaling mountains, braving the elements, or fearlessly protecting their families, these dogs embody the spirit of adventure and bravery. Their bold personalities make them ideal for active individuals or families who seek a dog that thrives on excitement and new challenges. In this article, … Read more

11 Most Watchful & Alert Dog Breeds

Dogs have long been valued not only for their companionship but also for their protective instincts. Among the myriad of breeds, certain dogs stand out for their exceptional watchfulness and alertness. These breeds are often employed as guard dogs, watchdogs, or even in roles requiring keen observation and quick response to potential threats. Their heightened senses, loyalty, and innate ability to detect and respond to unusual activities make them ideal for providing security and peace of mind to their owners. … Read more

10 Most Sturdy & Hardy Dog Breeds

Dog breeds come in a wide array of sizes and temperaments, but some stand out for their remarkable sturdiness and hardiness. These breeds are known for their resilience, endurance, and ability to thrive in various challenging environments. Whether it’s their robust physical constitution, strong work ethic, or adaptability to harsh climates, these dogs are built to endure. They excel in roles that demand physical toughness and mental fortitude, making them excellent companions for active individuals, families, and those who need … Read more

14 Most Robust & Strong Dog Breeds

When it comes to choosing a dog, strength and robustness are often key factors, especially for those looking for working dogs, guard dogs, or simply companions that can keep up with an active lifestyle. Robust and strong dog breeds are known for their physical power, endurance, and resilience. These dogs often excel in roles that require strength, such as search and rescue, protection, and various canine sports. In this article, we will explore the 14 most robust and strong dog … Read more

9 Most Protective & Loyal Dog Breeds

Dogs have long been valued for their loyalty and protective instincts, traits that make them exceptional companions and guardians. However, certain breeds stand out for their remarkable dedication to their families and natural ability to protect. These dogs are loving and devoted and possess the courage and alertness to guard their homes and loved ones. Their protective nature makes them ideal for various roles, including guard dogs, service animals, and loyal family pets. In this article, we will explore nine … Read more

13 Most Fluffy & Adorable Dog Breeds

Fluffy and adorable dog breeds capture our hearts with their plush coats and charming personalities. These breeds are characterized by their luxurious fur, which often requires dedicated grooming but adds to their overall cuteness. From small lap dogs to large, gentle giants, fluffy dogs come in all shapes and sizes, each with their unique traits and care needs. If you’re looking for a cuddly companion that stands out for its fluffy appearance, this list is for you. Here are 13 … Read more

7 Most Alert & Watchful Dog Breeds

In the world of dog breeds, some stand out for their exceptional alertness and watchfulness. These dogs are often characterized by their keen senses, sharp instincts, and strong protective instincts. Whether used as guard dogs, watchdogs, or vigilant family companions, these breeds are always on the lookout, ready to alert their owners to any potential danger or unusual activity. Their innate ability to sense and respond to threats provides security and peace of mind. This article will explore seven of … Read more

12 Most Brave & Courageous Dog Breeds

Dogs have always been synonymous with loyalty, bravery, and companionship. Throughout history, various dog breeds have proven their mettle by showcasing remarkable courage in diverse situations. Whether it is protecting their owners from danger, assisting in military operations, or standing guard against predators, these brave canines have earned their place in our hearts and homes. The courage of these dogs is not just a result of their training but also an intrinsic part of their nature, honed over generations of … Read more

6 Most Independent & Self-Reliant Dog Breeds.

Certain breeds stand out for their independence and self-reliance in the diverse world of dog breeds. These dogs are known for their ability to think and act independently, often making them more challenging to train and incredibly rewarding companions. Such traits have been honed over centuries, often for tasks requiring a high degree of autonomy. From herding livestock to guarding property, these breeds exhibit remarkable intelligence and decision-making ability. While they may not always seek constant attention from their owners, … Read more

14 Most Robust & Hardy Dog Breeds

The world of dog breeds is as diverse as it is fascinating. From tiny lapdogs to massive guardians, each breed brings its unique characteristics to the table. Some breeds stand out for their robustness and hardiness, making them particularly suited to various demanding tasks and environments. These dogs are resilient in physical constitution and exhibit remarkable endurance, strength, and versatility. Their robustness makes them excellent working dogs, loyal companions, and steadfast protectors. Let’s delve into the 14 most robust and … Read more

7 Most Fearless & Confident Dog Breeds

Dogs are known for their loyalty, courage, and protective instincts, but some breeds stand out for their remarkable fearlessness and confidence. These brave and bold dogs exhibit a strong sense of self-assurance, making them excellent guardians, working dogs, and companions. They face challenges head-on and are unflinching in the face of danger, making them invaluable in various roles, from police and military work to personal protection and family companionship. Whether looking for a vigilant watchdog or a steadfast protector, these … Read more

8 Most Loyal & Protective Dog Breeds

Doberman Pinscher high fives

The bond between humans and dogs has been celebrated for centuries, and at the core of this relationship is the unwavering loyalty and protective nature of our canine companions. Dogs have long been known as man’s best friend, providing companionship and security. While all dogs have the potential to be loyal and protective, some breeds are particularly renowned for these traits. Whether they were originally bred for guarding, herding, or companionship, these dogs stand out for their dedication to their … Read more

The 10 Most Self-Reliant Dog Breeds

Dogs are renowned for their loyalty, intelligence, and companionship. While many breeds thrive on human interaction and depend on their owners for constant attention, some breeds exhibit high self-reliance. These self-reliant dogs are independent thinkers, capable of making decisions independently and thriving without constant human supervision. They are often more reserved, intelligent, and strong-willed, making them well-suited for experienced dog owners who appreciate their unique traits. This article explores the ten most self-reliant dog breeds, highlighting what makes each breed … Read more

The 12 Most Brave & Fearless Dog Breeds

Dogs are known for their loyalty, intelligence, and courage. While all dogs have a measure of bravery, certain breeds stand out for their exceptional fearlessness and protective instincts. These breeds are often chosen for roles that require courage, such as police work, search and rescue, and guarding. They are brave and deeply loyal to their families, ready to defend and protect at a moment’s notice. This article explores the twelve most brave, fearless dog breeds, highlighting what makes each breed … Read more

11 Most Bold & Assertive Dog Breeds

Dogs come in all shapes, sizes, and temperaments. While some breeds are known for their gentle and calm nature, others stand out for their boldness and assertiveness. These dogs are often characterized by their strong-willed personalities, confidence, and a certain level of dominance. They make excellent guard dogs, working dogs, and loyal companions for those who understand and can manage their spirited nature. This article explores 11 of the most bold and assertive dog breeds, delving into what makes each … Read more

10 Alert (But Lazy!) Dog Breeds

Dogs come in all shapes and sizes, each with unique characteristics that suit different lifestyles and preferences. Some breeds are particularly known for their alertness, always keeping an eye on their surroundings and ready to alert their owners to any unusual activity. Interestingly, many of these alert breeds are lazy, preferring to spend their days lounging around the house. This combination of alertness and laziness makes them excellent watchdogs without requiring extensive exercise. This article explores ten dog breeds that … Read more

8 Loyal (But Reserved!) Dog Breeds

Dogs are often celebrated for their loyalty and unwavering devotion to their families. While many breeds are openly affectionate and sociable, there are those that combine their loyalty with a more reserved demeanour. These breeds may take a bit more time to warm up to strangers but form incredibly strong bonds with their owners, displaying a deep and often understated loyalty. This article explores eight loyal yet reserved dog breeds, highlighting what makes each breed particularly special in balancing their … Read more

10 Protective (But Gentle!) Dog Breeds

Dogs are renowned for their loyalty, companionship, and protective instincts. While many breeds are known for their guarding abilities, finding dogs that combine protective instincts with a gentle and affectionate nature is particularly special. These breeds can be vigilant guardians and loving family pets, making them ideal for households seeking security and companionship. This article explores ten protective yet gentle dog breeds, highlighting the unique qualities that make each breed well-suited for these dual roles. From popular breeds to lesser-known … Read more

11 Brave (But Cautious!) Dog Breeds

Dogs are known for their loyalty, intelligence, and bravery. Some breeds are distinguished by their ability to be courageous and cautious, making them excellent protectors and companions. These dogs exhibit a balanced temperament where their bravery ensures they can face threats, while their cautious nature keeps them and their loved ones safe by avoiding unnecessary risks. This article explores 11 dog breeds that exemplify this unique blend of bravery and caution. From popular breeds to lesser-known ones, these dogs are … Read more

The 12 Most Watchful & Aware Dog Breeds

Dogs are known for their loyalty, companionship, and various abilities, with some breeds particularly standing out for their watchfulness and awareness. These breeds are alert, vigilant, and quick to respond to environmental changes, making them excellent watchdogs and protective companions. Their keen senses and instinctual drive to monitor their surroundings ensure they can detect potential threats and keep their families safe. This article explores the 12 most watchful and aware dog breeds, highlighting what makes each breed particularly observant and … Read more

The 8 Dog Breeds That Are The Most Protective of Family

When choosing a dog that will not only be a loyal companion but also a vigilant guardian, certain breeds stand out for their protective instincts. These dogs are known for their unwavering loyalty, courage, and dedication to their families. Whether you’re looking for a dog that will alert you to intruders or one that will stand by your side in times of danger, these protective breeds offer both companionship and security. From well-known guardians to lesser-known defenders, each breed has … Read more

12 Most Vigilant Dog Breeds

Vigilance in dogs is a highly sought-after trait, especially for those looking for a dependable guardian or companion that can alert them to potential dangers. Vigilant dogs are characterized by their alertness, keen senses, and quick response to unusual activities or intrusions. These breeds are excellent watchdogs and loyal family members who take their protective duties seriously. Whether it’s their history of guarding livestock, working alongside law enforcement, or being naturally attentive, these dogs are known for their unwavering vigilance. … Read more

7 Dog Breeds That Look Like Real-Life Teddy Bears

When it comes to choosing a dog, many people are drawn to breeds that look like real-life teddy bears. These dogs often have soft, fluffy coats, round faces, and endearing expressions that make them irresistibly cute. Their cuddly appearance brings joy and comfort to any household, making them popular choices for families, singles, and seniors. Whether you are looking for a small lap dog or a larger companion, several breeds resemble teddy bears in both looks and temperament. Here’s a … Read more