Shelter Dog Meal Donation Count:

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$924,341 Funded To Help Veterans Get Trained Companion Animals and counting

Many of our brave soldiers return home with physical and emotional injuries that make it difficult to transition back to day-to-day life. As many as 20% of returning suffer from PTSD. Currently, there are veterans waiting to be paired with a companion dog and more can be helped with your support. When you shop the Pets & Vets Collection a portion of every purchase is donated to help pair veterans with companion dogs. It’s a win-win.

Man’s Best Friend. Dog’s Best Human.

The bond a service dog has with a veteran is life changing for both of them.

Frequently Asked Questions

We love that you’re passionate about giving back! All our donations go directly to the program through our charity partner, Greater Good Charities. If you’re looking to just donate and not purchase a product that donates, use the following link to the program page at Greater Good Charities where 100% of the funds you donate go to the cause.

More information:

Receipts for direct donations are sent out directly by Greater Good Charities and emailed to you by the 15th of the following month.

iHeartDogs is not a charity. We are a privately owned for-purpose, for-profit company. We partner with charities to use products as a fundraising and awareness vehicle for the causes we support. Like all businesses, we have overhead that includes many employees, rent/utilities, campaigning costs to reach more passionate people (like yourself), etc.

When we created this program, we asked ourselves, what is the absolute maximum we can possibly donate to our charity partner, and still cover our expenses? The number we came up with was 20% of the proceeds.

If you are interested in adopting a service dog for a vet, we suggest you begin your search at Assistance Dogs International, the certification board that the VA works with. Visit their site here:

If you have a dog to recommend as a service dog, please visit the Assistance Dogs International search by state page to view the list of organizations you can contact:

First, we so appreciate your enthusiasm and commitment to the cause! We love the fact that you’re passionate about charities getting as much funding as possible. You can directly reach out to Greater Good Charities, our charity partner, for verification of our donations. Here is their contact info:

Phone: 800-765-6920

Learn more about the program through Greater Good Charities here:

Pets & Vets is a signature program of Greater Good Charities that works with groups around the country to support, sustain, and develop services to improve the lives of veterans, their families, and their pets. Throughout their work with veterans, they began to notice a critical connection to animals, particularly as a way to bring comfort to veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). They witnessed firsthand how much veterans benefit from companion animals, and how much these pets, often shelter animals, benefit from a chance at a loving forever home as well as a family to give their unconditional love. With a desire to meet these needs, started the Pets & Vets Signature Program, which supports.

Through our partnership with Greater Good Charities, we donate a portion of sales made from several dedicated products on our website via the Pets & Vets program. When you choose an eligible product from the store, your purchase will help pair veterans with service or shelter dogs.

The program provides funding to organizations that pair service dogs or companion dogs with veterans. Whether the individual seeking assistance is suffering from a disability or PTSD, the impact these animals have on the lives of these vets is undeniable and world changing!

We’ve partnered with to provide funding for all of our give back programs.


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