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Stray Dog ‘Thanks’ Woman with Daily Gifts After She Feeds Him

By: Russel Moneva
Russel Moneva, a Viral Content writer at iHeartDogs, finds joy in both crafting engaging content and pursuing his passion for basketball and fitness whenever he's not immersed in his work.Read more
| July 21, 2024

Orawan Kaewla-iat has been a beacon of hope for stray animals in her neighborhood for many years. Living in Thailand, she has made it her mission to care for the numerous homeless dogs and cats that wander her community. Every day, she places bowls of rice and other food outside her home, ensuring that any hungry animal can find a meal. Her unwavering kindness and dedication have not gone unnoticed, especially by one remarkable dog named Tua Plu, whose unique way of showing gratitude has touched hearts around the world.

Image Credit: Facebook

Tua Plu, a stray dog with a heart of gold, started visiting Orawan’s home regularly with his mother. From the first time they appeared, Orawan could tell there was something unique about Tua Plu. Unlike other dogs who would immediately dive into the food, Tua Plu had a peculiar habit that set him apart. Before he began eating, he always made sure to bring Orawan a gift.

“When he’s hungry, he will offer something to get fed,” Orawan shared on Facebook, translated by Coconuts Bangkok. “Every day, he shows up with an object in his mouth — usually a leaf and sometimes a piece of paper. Before you feed other dogs, you have to feed Tua Plu and his mom.”

This touching routine quickly became a daily occurrence. Tua Plu would trot up to Orawan’s house, carefully carrying his chosen gift in his mouth. It might be a leaf, a piece of paper, or any other small item he could find. He would gently place the gift in front of his bowl of rice, ensuring Orawan noticed his offering before he started eating.

Orawan decided to share Tua Plu’s heartwarming gesture with the world. She posted a video on Facebook showing Tua Plu carrying a leaf down some stairs and placing it in front of his food bowl. Once Orawan acknowledged the gift, Tua Plu would happily eat his meal. The video quickly went viral in Thailand and then spread to other parts of the world, capturing the hearts of many.

Image Credit: Facebook

The viral video brought a lot of attention to Tua Plu. Many people reached out to Orawan, expressing their interest in adopting the generous pup. However, after much consideration, Orawan decided that Tua Plu belonged with her. She officially took him in, giving him a permanent, loving home.

Since then, Tua Plu has continued his endearing tradition. Every day, he brings Orawan a gift before he eats, and their bond has only grown stronger. Orawan showers Tua Plu with love and care, and she frequently shares photos and videos of their special moments on her Facebook page, much to the delight of her followers.

Orawan’s compassion extends beyond Tua Plu. She has a deep love for all animals and has helped many other dogs and cats in her neighborhood. One day, she found a dog with a severe open wound on his back. Without hesitation, she took the dog to the vet for stitches and then brought him home to nurse him back to health. Her selflessness and dedication to the well-being of animals are truly inspiring.

In addition to dogs, Orawan also cares for stray cats. One notable cat in her care is a ginger feline with a head wound. Orawan has been diligently tending to the cat, ensuring it receives the necessary medical attention and care.

Image Credit: Facebook
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It’s likely that Tua Plu, with his kind nature, helps Orawan in looking after the other stray animals. Perhaps he brings them gifts too, in his own way of spreading kindness and making them feel better.

Tua Plu’s story is a beautiful example of gratitude and the special bond that can form between humans and animals. His thoughtful gestures and Orawan’s unwavering kindness have touched the hearts of many around the world. We are so glad that Tua Plu found such a wonderful mom who appreciates and reciprocates his love and care.

Click the video below to watch this incredible story!

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