ask a vet
Ask A Vet: Should I Worry About My Boxer Going Under Anesthesia?
At some point during your Boxer’s life, he/she will need some type of surgery. Because of Boxers’ genetic predisposition to skin tumors, your dog will likely require more than one mass removal during his/her adulthood. There may be other times that your Boxer needs surgery. If it is not an emergency, one can question if the procedure is worth the risk. But just how risky is anesthesia for Boxers? The definition of anesthesia is a temporary loss of feeling or … Read more
From The Vet: 3 Hacks That Could Save Your Chihuahua
Chihuahuas are popular pets the world over. What’s not to love? They are super cute, fun, portable friends! Chihuahuas have their own unique personalities and as a breed they have some unique qualities too. If you love a Chihuahua, there are some important things you can do to make sure your furry friend lives long and well. Hack #1 – Cover Me with Love: Personal Protection Equipment Some of us are familiar with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that is required … Read more
Ask A Vet: Why Do Dogs Have Tails?
Anyone who has been around a dog knows that dogs communicate with their tails. Low wagging tails indicate submission. Relaxed waving tails can indicate relaxation and happiness. A stiff and high, slowly waving tail can indicate alertness or aggression. A friendly, wagging tail makes us smile and improves our bond with our dogs. Communication is an obvious function of your dog’s tail. But dogs may depend on their tails as part of their locomotion as well, just like scientists think … Read more
Ask A Vet: How Often Should I Clean My Dog’s Ears?
We love our dogs and want to take the best care of them, but we have to keep in mind that they belong to a different species than we do. Many of their features are very dissimilar from ours. We all remember as kids being warned that we should “wash behind our ears”. How about dogs? How often should their ears be cleaned? A healthy dog that spends most of her time indoors, may not require routine ear cleaning and … Read more
Ask A Vet: Why Is My Dog SO Itchy?
Thump, thump, thump. Jingle, jingle, jingle. These are not the sounds of Santa Claus and his reindeer. These are the familiar sounds of an itchy dog. Itching, also called pruritis, is triggered by nerves in the skin. Anything that makes the itch nerves fire can create itching. Scratching dogs can drive us crazy! We just want to make it stop! The first step to solving the problem is trying to figure out why your dog is itching. Related: 4 Best … Read more
From The Vet: 4 Signs Your Dog Has Joint Issues
Do you have an older dog? Are you noticing changes in him/her? The most important thing that you can know is that aging is not an illness and there are things we can do to help dogs deal with some of the common age associated disorders. Joint issues are often age-associated troubles. Arthritis is a joint problem so extremely common that it gets overlooked and left untreated. Any living thing with bones and joints can get arthritis. More correctly called … Read more
Ask A Vet: How Do I Know If My Dog Had A Good Night’s Sleep?
Sleep is necessary for us all. Sleep allows our bodies to rest and regenerate and dogs are no different. Healing can occur during rest times and our brains and bodies need to reset during the inactive times that we sleep. Studies also show that there is a relationship between sleep and learning. 1 We know that sleep is important for ourselves and our dogs, so we would like to know how to tell if our dog is sleeping well. There are … Read more
Ask A Vet: Why Does My Dog Tilt His Head When He Hears Something?
You have the squeaky toy behind your back and you are squeezing it and trying to appear bewildered. Each time it squeaks, your dog responds by tilting his head and you melt. We take pictures of dogs doing this and it never fails to make us say, “Awwwwww.” Let’s face it: we are one endearing head tilt away from being wrapped around that little paw! It is super cute when you say something to your dog and he adorably tilts … Read more
From The Vet: Hacks That May Save The Life Of Your Great Dane
Everyone wants a shortcut. We love “hacks” and tips. Articles about ways to maximize your cell phone or organize your closet are shared wildly. To me, the best hacks are the ones that help your dog. Great Danes have at least one unique issue that need some hacking. Gastric dilitation-volvulus (GDV) is one of the most catastrophic issues for Great Danes. GDV is a life threatening issue that occurs when a dog’s stomach bloats and then twists on itself. Even … Read more
Ask A Vet: Why Are Some Dogs “Lap Dogs”?
Does your dog like to cuddle or be very close to you? Does she seem to always want to climb in your lap? It seems like a part of who your dog is, but have you ever thought about why? Walk on the Wild Side Dogs know that they are a part of the animal world. Because they are descended from wild dogs, they are geared for survival. Their survival can depend on the other members of their pack or family. … Read more
Ask A Vet: Is It Safe To Give My Dog Cheese?
Cheese is a favorite of a lot of humans. We love it and many of us keep it in our refrigerators almost all the time. We also love our dogs and like making them happy by sharing whatever we enjoy with them. We care about our dogs enough to know that we are responsible for keeping them safe, too. We humans can read labels and learn about food items to make educated choices while our dogs trust us enough to … Read more
Ask A Vet: Why Do Dogs Have Dewclaws?
We know what our dogs’ feet look like. Most dogs have 5 toes on the front feet and 4 toes on the rear feet. People may already know that the toes on the side of the front feet that do not touch the ground are called dewclaws, but if they do not touch the ground to help with locomotion, then why are they there at all? Of course, dogs are members of the class Mammalia, with humans and many of … Read more
From The Vet: 4 Signs Your Dog Has Allergies
Dogs can be allergic to things in the air, just like people. In people, this is commonly called “hay fever”, but it is not characterized by fever and it is not usually from hay either! Actually, hay fever is more accurately termed atopic dermatitis, which just means that the skin is inflamed in response to an antigen that is inhaled. Makes a little more sense when you call it what it is, huh? It might help to know a little … Read more
Ask A Vet: Why Does My Dog Bark At Every Noise?
Does your dog often startle you with sudden barking, especially at night or when the house is quiet? Many dog owners experience this behavior, leaving them wondering if their furry friend is hearing something they can’t or simply overreacting. Dogs are naturally vigilant animals, and barking is a key part of how they communicate concerns or alerts. While this behavior may sometimes feel excessive or unnecessary, it often stems from instincts deeply rooted in their need to protect themselves—and you. … Read more
Ask A Vet: Why Does My Dog Mark In The House?
Marking behavior in a pet dog is a frustrating, but fairly natural behavior among dogs. There are many reasons for marking behavior, but no matter how natural it is, if your dog is marking inside your home, it is a problem. First, you have to decide if the behavior is actually intended to be a communication for your dog. Since you cannot ask your dog if he peed on something as a signal, you need your vet to help. A … Read more
Ask A Vet: Why Does My Dog Follow Me Everywhere?
It’s a picture that we all know: you stand up and so does your dog. You head to the bathroom and so does your dog. You move toward the door and there is your dog, right with you every step of the way. Does your dog watch you constantly and follow you everywhere you go? Have you ever wondered why? Thankfully, there are many explanations for these bizarre actions. Why Does My Dog Follow Me Everywhere? Every dog is unique. … Read more
Ask A Vet: Why Are Some Dogs More Hyper Than Others?
We see dogs all around and it is easy to notice that some of them seem to have boundless energy, while others are more laid back. Some dog breeds are selectively bred to be high energy. If you consider the job for which the breed was developed, you can probably surmise the use for an energetic nature. Herding breeds can be pretty wound up. They instinctively seek to herd people and other animals and sometimes can be frustrated by our … Read more
Ask A Vet: Should I Worry About My Dog Going Under Anesthesia?
You can bet that during your dog’s lifetime, he/she will need some type of surgery. Whether is to be spayed or neutered or it is to remove a skin tumor, anesthesia is a part of our world today and as a society, we are fortunate that anesthesia exists. Otherwise, many of us would not even be here to read this. Without surgical intervention, many of my patients would have been lost. The definition of anesthesia is a temporary loss of … Read more
Ask A Vet: Why Does My Dog Get Into The Trash While I Am Gone?
iHeartDogs is reader-supported. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Have you ever come home to find your trashcan turned over and bits of garbage all over the kitchen? You are not alone. Maybe you try to train your dog to stay away from the trash, but he just never seems to completely learn. He might avoid it while you are there, but you still come home to a … Read more
Ask A Vet: Can People Be Allergic To Dogs?
Allergies are very common. Lots of people are allergic to lots of things. Unfortunately, dogs are among those things. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, almost 3 out of 10 people have animal allergies. There are proteins (allergens) present in dogs’ saliva, urine, and dander (dead skin cells) that stimulate an allergic person’s immune system, just like a real threat might. It is important to understand a little bit about how allergies work. Every day, one’s immune … Read more
Ask A Vet: Should I Give My Dog a Glucosamine or Chondroitin Supplement?
There is some buzz about joint care supplements. People are intrigued by an opportunity to circumvent or augment the usual recommendations and drawn by the lure of alternative (non-traditional) options. In the past, veterinarians have been skeptical of complementary medicine, but joint supplements containing ingredients like glucosamine, chondroitin and others have science backing their effectiveness. Good Things Come to Those Who… Supplement? Studies have indicated that ingredients like glucosamine and chondroitin (and others) can reduce the inflammation in canine patients … Read more
Ask A Vet: Should I Give My Dog Joint Supplements?
There is some buzz about joint care supplements. People are intrigued by an opportunity to circumvent or augment the usual recommendations and drawn by the lure of alternative (non-traditional) options. In the past, veterinarians have been skeptical of complementary medicine, but joint supplements containing ingredients like glucosamine, chondroitin and others have science backing their effectiveness. Good Things Come to Those Who… Supplement? Studies have indicated that ingredients like glucosamine and chondroitin (and others) can reduce the inflammation in canine patients … Read more
From The Vet: 3 Things Every Boxer Owner Should Know About
Boxers are beautiful, expressive and friendly. Their nubby tails seem to always be wagging. Unfortunately, they do seem to be predisposed to certain issues, of which all owners should be aware. Certain diseases seem to crop up more often in certain types of dogs. These are known as breed associated disorders. Each type of dog has its own list, but many of the issues are shared by multiple breeds, and very few of these types of issues are exclusive to … Read more
From The Vet: 3 Things Every Great Dane Owner Should Know About
Great Danes are gorgeous and remarkable. They are stoic and kind. However, they do seem to be predisposed to certain issues, of which owners should be aware. Certain diseases seem to crop up more often in certain types of dogs. These are known as breed associated disorders. Each type of dog has its own list, but many of the issues are shared by multiple breeds and very few of these types of issues are exclusive to a single breed. Great … Read more
Ask A Vet: Does My Dog Know When A Storm Is Coming?
We know that many creatures are certainly attuned to their surroundings and other subtle cues that humans might miss. It’s been suggested that dogs can detect a lot of things, like hidden cancers and impending seizures in patients with epilepsy. People also report that they notice changes in their dogs when a storm rolls in, but can dogs tell when there’s going to be a storm? We would love to have our dogs help us anticipate and plan for severe … Read more
Ask A Vet: Why Does My Dog Chew My Shoes?
Some dogs seem to love to chew and the object of their chewing destruction can sometimes be our shoes. Let’s face it… we play our part in their shoe fetish because it is so easy to leave shoes lying around where dogs can get them. But why do dogs do this? Chewing is normal behavior for dogs. Since dogs have evolved as scavengers, dogs have learned never to waste resources. This is the reason dogs will eat and chew items … Read more
Ask A Vet: Why Does My Dog Stink When He Is Wet?
Every dog lover knows the smell. If you blindfolded us and tested us, we could all pick out the smell of “wet dog”. It is a fairly distinctive scent, even for our noses which are really quite feeble among the noses of the animal world. So why do dogs stink when they are wet? The answer lies partly in the way noses work. In a nutshell, mammalian olfaction (the ability to smell) is a complex interaction between scent molecules and receptors … Read more
Ask A Vet: What Does It Mean When My Dog’s Nose Is Warm?
Our dogs’ noses are visible to us (and often in our faces). We can easily note any changes in something that is so apparent to us and vets often get asked about warm and dry noses. In the past, people have said that a dry and warm nose means that a dog is ill. Dogs are not like humans in the way their bodies manage heat and moisture. Your dog cannot sweat in the way that you think of perspiration. … Read more
Ask A Vet: Why Does My Dog Mount His Toys?
Mounting behavior in our dogs is embarrassing to us because we automatically feel uncomfortable with the sexual connotations. But to animals, this is just another behavior in a long list of behaviors, like barking, staring, or laying back ears. These motions are an expression, like our words. There are words that we choose not to use because they carry embarrassing or emotional stigmas, but your dog does not have the same cultural norms or expectations in the way he expresses … Read more
Ask A Vet: What Should I Do If My Dog Eats Chocolate?
Many of us love chocolate, and our dogs may seem interested in the tasty treat they see us eating. Our dogs can smell it (even better than we can) and they see us indulge. But they do not know that chocolate can make them very ill, or could even be fatal. There are two ingredients toxic to dogs in chocolate, theobromine and caffeine. Caffeine can cause tremors, increased heart rate, and other cardiovascular side effects. Theobromine is actually the more … Read more