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5 Serious Illnesses Caused by Canine Dental Disease

Dental health is one of the most neglected issues in dogs. Yet, neglected teeth can quickly lead to canine dental disease other serious–and often fatal–diseases. Dr. Kathryn Primm, owner of Apple Brook Animal Hospital, and Dr. Denise Petryk, Director of Veterinary Services at Trupanion Pet Insurance, shared with us some of the illnesses that can result from poor dental hygiene. #1 – Heart Valve Infections Dr. Primm: “Mouth bacteria can travel and settle on the heart valves. Bacterial endocarditis (infection … Read more

7 Ways To Clean Your Dog’s Teeth That They Won’t Hate

Since doggy dentures aren’t a thing, keeping your pup’s teeth clean and gums healthy is crucial for their overall health and well-being. Obviously, the best way to get your dog’s teeth clean is to have the vet scrape them while your dog is under anesthesia. This can be very expensive and there are risks associated with anesthesia, so you want to do everything you can to keep your dog’s teeth clean yourself. Brushing your dog’s teeth every day with a … Read more

3 Simple Ways To Keep Your Dog’s Teeth Clean

Dental health is an important part of your dog’s overall wellness and should not be overlooked. However, if there is somewhere dog owners find themselves slacking, it’s usually in the dental health department. This is because keeping your dog’s teeth clean has been emphasized relatively recently and a lot of people are simply unaware of the risks. However, just like people, there are many oral diseases that dogs can and do get that could lead to even greater problems down … Read more

New Test Can Detect Dental Disease Even Before Your Dog Shows Symptoms

An estimated 80% of dogs over the age of three suffer from periodontal disease. And, just like with most diseases, early detection can make a big difference when it comes to the damage it causes and the cost of treatment.  A dog’s bad breath could be a sign of painful inflammation and gum disease from bacteria, potentially leading to life-threatening illness. Usually, owners had to wait until a dog was showing symptoms before knowing there was a problem. Until now. … Read more