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3 Things That Can Help Your Senior Dog Avoid Dementia

Did you know that cognitive dysfunction syndrome, also called dog dementia, affects a large percentage of our fur children? More than a quarter (28%) of all dogs between the ages of 11 and 12 show at least one symptom of cognitive impairment. By the time a dog reaches 15, more than two-thirds (68%) of all dogs show at least one symptom and more than a third (35%) display at least 2 symptoms of cognitive decline. Luckily, there are some things you … Read more

This Forlorn Pup Can’t Bear His Toy Separation Anxiety

If you have a dog (or more than one) at home, odds are you’ve witnessed some of the seemingly bizarre tactics they employ to get back misplaced toys. For example, my childhood dog once insisted I let him outside just so he could retrieve a rawhide he left by the door the day before. Claire Cummings from Basingstoke, England happened upon such a situation while driving. First, she noticed a lone stuffed pig on the sidewalk. Then she saw a … Read more

The 6 Best Toys For Puppies

While your little pup seems to be focused on perfecting the art of puppy dog eyes and chewing your shoes, being only a few months old is hard work. They deal with teething pain and tough training, and they’re constantly learning about the world around them. When you pick the right toys for your pup, they’ll serve the dual purpose of adding fun to their lives and helping with physical and mental development. Here are a few toys on the … Read more

5 Paw-fect Gifts For Every Dog Personality

We know – and love – how every single pooch has his or her own unique personality. However, most people can agree that their dog’s general disposition falls into one (or more) major categories. Shopping for your pup and considering his or her personality can be fun for you and Fido/Fifi! Is your canine companion strong and independent? Mellow and low-key? A little high-strung? (This article explains 5 major personality types in more detail.) No matter how your purebred or mutt … Read more

Why Natural Rubber Toys Are Best For Your Pup

We know you want what’s best for your pup. You feed him the best food you can find. You make sure he gets all the exercise and attention he needs. You’re always filling his bowl with fresh water. But have you ever considered whether his toys could be better for him – or more specifically, if the material they’re made from is as healthy as it could be? If you have a “shredder,” you’ve probably spent plenty of money buying … Read more

5 Reasons Playtime Is Vital For Your Dog’s Health, No Matter Their Age

Letting your dog indulge in a long game of fetch or a romp through the park may seem like it’s all fun and games, but doggy playtime is about a lot more than that. No matter what kind of play your pup likes to participate in, encouraging playtime will have a big impact on your canine friend’s overall health and well-being. Dogs of all ages benefit from daily play sessions. From puppies still learning to control their limbs to senior … Read more