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7 Telltale Signs You’re A Collie Parent

By: Ejay Camposano
A college graduate with a degree in Electrical Engineering, Ejay has a diverse background that combines technical expertise with a passion for pets and is now one of the content writers at IHD. Read more
| August 5, 2024

Living with a Collie is an experience filled with intelligence, grace, and a good dose of humor. These elegant and agile dogs, famous for their roles in classic films and television shows, bring a unique blend of beauty, brains, and boundless energy to their families. Collies, whether the rough-coated Lassie type or the sleek smooth-coated variety, are known for their loyalty, herding instincts, and deep bond with their humans. If you’ve opened your home to a Collie, you know that life is never boring and that their charming quirks are just part of the package. Here are seven telltale signs that you are indeed a proud Collie parent.

1. You Have Conversations with Your Dog

Collies are incredibly intelligent and have a knack for understanding human emotions and commands. If you find yourself having full-on conversations with your dog, complete with responsive barks, head tilts, and expressive eyes, you’re definitely a Collie parent. These dogs are excellent listeners and often seem to grasp the gist of what you’re saying. Whether you’re venting about your day or giving detailed instructions, your Collie is always ready to engage in a heart-to-heart, making you feel like you have a furry confidant.

2. Your Home is Spotless… for a Few Hours

Collies, especially the rough-coated variety, shed copiously. If your vacuum cleaner is on a first-name basis with every room in your house, and you find tumbleweeds of dog fur no matter how often you clean, you’re definitely a Collie parent. Despite the constant shedding, you wouldn’t trade your Collie’s luxurious coat for anything. You’ve accepted that fur on your clothes, furniture, and even in your food is just part of the deal. Regular grooming sessions are a must, and you’ve become a pro at managing the fluff.

3. You’ve Mastered the Art of Persuasion

Collies are known for their strong herding instincts and can be quite stubborn when they set their mind to something. If you’ve become an expert negotiator, using treats, toys, and creative commands to persuade your dog to do things your way, you’re undoubtedly a Collie parent. These dogs are smart and independent, often thinking they know best. Training a Collie requires patience, consistency, and a sense of humor as you outsmart your wily companion. The sense of accomplishment when your Collie finally follows a tricky command is immensely rewarding.

4. You Have a Constant Shadow

Collies are famously loyal and love to be near their humans. If your dog follows you from room to room, always wanting to be where you are, you’re definitely a Collie parent. These dogs thrive on companionship and often act as your personal shadow. Whether you’re cooking, working, or just relaxing, your Collie is right there beside you, providing comfort and company. Their unwavering loyalty and desire to be close to you is both heartwarming and sometimes a bit overwhelming, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.

5. Your Yard is an Agility Course

Collies are active and agile dogs that love to run and play. If your backyard is equipped with tunnels, jumps, and plenty of space for your dog to exercise, you’re undoubtedly a Collie parent. These dogs excel in agility and other canine sports, and they need plenty of physical and mental stimulation to stay happy. You’ve likely spent hours setting up and maintaining a fun and challenging play area for your Collie, ensuring they have an outlet for their boundless energy. Watching your dog navigate their agility course with grace and enthusiasm is a joy.

6. You’ve Become a Herding Target

Collies have a natural instinct to herd, and that sometimes includes herding their humans. If you’ve ever found yourself being gently nipped at the heels or corralled into a specific area of your home, you’re definitely a Collie parent. These dogs love to keep their “flock” in line, whether it’s other pets, children, or adults. While their herding behavior can be a bit startling at first, it quickly becomes one of their most charming and humorous traits. You’ve learned to embrace your role as part of your Collie’s herd, appreciating their protective instincts.

7. You’re Never Without a Smile

Collies are known for their joyful and playful personalities. If your dog constantly makes you smile with their antics, affectionate behavior, and sheer zest for life, you’re undoubtedly a Collie parent. These dogs have a way of bringing happiness into every situation, whether it’s through their goofy playtime antics, their loving cuddles, or their intelligent and eager-to-please nature. Your Collie’s ability to lift your spirits and bring joy to your life is one of the many reasons you’re proud to be their parent.

Being a Collie parent is a unique and joyous experience, filled with moments of laughter, love, and the occasional bit of chaos. These intelligent and loyal dogs bring a special kind of charm and companionship to any household, making every day an adventure. Whether it’s their herding instincts, their boundless energy, or their affectionate nature, Collies have a way of making you fall head over heels for them. Embracing the quirks and joys of this breed ensures a life filled with love, laughter, and the constant presence of a true best friend.

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