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7 Telltale Signs You’re A Mastiff Parent

By: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| August 3, 2024

Living with a Mastiff is an experience that’s larger than life. These gentle giants, known for their immense size, heartwarming loyalty, and occasional drool showers, bring a unique dynamic to any household. If you’ve welcomed a Mastiff into your family, you’re well aware of the blend of humor, challenges, and profound affection that come with these colossal canines. From their powerful presence to their surprisingly tender moments, Mastiffs have a way of turning your life upside down in the most lovable manner. If you’re smiling and nodding along, it’s likely because you’re a proud Mastiff parent. Here are seven telltale signs that you’re living with one of these magnificent dogs. Get ready to laugh, nod in agreement, and maybe even shake your head in exasperation as we dive into the world of Mastiff parenthood.

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1. Your House is a Drool Zone

Mastiffs are notorious for their drool, and if your house looks like a drool-themed art exhibit, you’re a Mastiff parent. You’ve become an expert at strategically placing towels and learning the signs of an impending drool shake. Your furniture, clothes, and sometimes even your guests aren’t safe from their slobber. Despite the constant need to wipe things down, you’ve come to see their drool as a sign of their happy, healthy presence. Plus, you can’t help but laugh at the sight of their adorable, droopy faces when they’re at their most relaxed.

2. You’ve Perfected the Art of Stepping Over

Mastiffs love to be close to their humans, often positioning themselves right in the middle of high-traffic areas. If you’ve perfected the art of stepping over or around a 200-pound dog sprawled out in the hallway, you’re a Mastiff parent. These gentle giants seem to think they’re lap dogs, often lounging in places that are anything but convenient. You’ve learned to navigate your home with the grace of an obstacle course runner, always ready to adjust your path around your lounging Mastiff. Their constant presence is a comforting reminder of their love and loyalty.

3. Your Car is a Mastiff-Mobile

Transporting a Mastiff is no small feat. If your car has been retrofitted with a ramp, a spacious backseat setup, or even an SUV upgrade to accommodate your furry giant, you’re a Mastiff parent. Your vehicle likely has a permanent layer of fur and a few drool stains on the windows, but it’s all worth it to see the joy on your Mastiff’s face during car rides. You’ve become adept at managing their size and ensuring they’re comfortable on every journey. Despite the extra effort, you cherish the adventures you share with your Mastiff.

4. You’ve Developed a Love for Giant Dog Beds

Mastiffs need a lot of space to stretch out and rest comfortably. If your home features oversized dog beds that could easily double as human mattresses, you’re a Mastiff parent. You’ve invested in high-quality, durable beds that provide the support and comfort your Mastiff needs. Watching them settle into their giant bed, often sprawled out in the most relaxed and carefree poses, brings you immense satisfaction. Their comfort is your priority, and you’ve embraced the necessity of large, cozy resting spots for your beloved giant.

5. You’re Accustomed to the “Mastiff Lean”

Mastiffs have a unique way of showing affection by leaning their massive bodies against you. If you’ve become a human support post for a dog that weighs as much as a small person, you’re a Mastiff parent. This endearing behavior is their way of seeking closeness and expressing love. You’ve learned to brace yourself whenever they approach, ready to support their weight. Despite the occasional near-toppling, their lean is a sweet reminder of their affectionate and loyal nature, and you wouldn’t trade those moments for anything.

6. You’ve Mastered the Art of Feeding Time

Feeding a Mastiff is a serious commitment. If you’ve developed a routine to manage their enthusiastic eating habits and ensure they get the proper nutrition, you’re a Mastiff parent. You’ve learned to prepare large portions of food and monitor their diet to keep them healthy. Feeding time can be a bit messy, with kibble flying and water bowls getting overturned, but you’ve got it down to a science. Despite the chaos, you enjoy seeing their excitement at mealtime and the way they wag their tails in appreciation.

7. Your Heart is Full

Living with a Mastiff is filled with love, laughter, and a fair share of challenges. Their playful antics, gentle nature, and loyal companionship fill your home with joy. You’ve embraced the drool, the snoring, and the giant paw prints as part of the package. Your Mastiff’s unwavering loyalty and affection make every day brighter. They have a way of making even the toughest days better with just a wag of their tail or a nuzzle of their nose. Your heart is fuller because of your Mastiff, and that’s the greatest sign of all.

Being a Mastiff parent is a unique and joyous experience filled with love, laughter, and endless adventures. If you recognize these signs, you’re part of a special club of Mastiff enthusiasts who wouldn’t have it any other way. Embrace the quirks, enjoy the journey, and treasure every moment with your lovable Mastiff.

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