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7 Telltale Signs You’re A Sheltie Parent

By: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| August 3, 2024

Being a Sheltie parent is a delightful journey filled with boundless energy, endless affection, and the occasional bout of herding behavior. Shetland Sheepdogs, or Shelties, are known for their intelligence, agility, and striking good looks. If you share your home with one of these amazing dogs, you know that life is never dull. From their uncanny ability to sense your every move to their penchant for rounding up family members and pets, Shelties brings a unique charm to your life. Let’s explore seven telltale signs that you’re a proud Sheltie parent, complete with the quirks and joys that come with this special role.

1. You’ve Become an Expert in Canine Agility Courses

If you have a Sheltie, you’ve likely spent many weekends at the agility course. These dogs are natural athletes, and their boundless energy and keen intelligence make them stars in the agility ring. You’ve become adept at navigating weave poles, jumps, and tunnels, and you may even have a collection of ribbons and trophies to show for it. Training sessions are a regular part of your routine, and you’ve come to enjoy the challenge of keeping up with your Sheltie’s quick reflexes and sharp mind. Whether it’s an official competition or just a fun backyard obstacle course, agility training is a staple in your life.

2. Your Home is Equipped with Herding-Proof Barriers

Shelties are born herders, and they take their job seriously. If you’ve ever found yourself being gently but firmly guided from one room to another, you might be a Sheltie parent. These dogs have an uncanny ability to round up family members, pets, and even inanimate objects. To manage their herding instincts, you’ve had to get creative with barriers and gates. Your home may resemble a labyrinth of strategic fencing designed to keep your Sheltie from herding everything in sight. You’ve learned to appreciate their dedication to the job, even if it means occasionally being nudged away from the couch.

3. You Speak Fluent Sheltie

Shelties are vocal dogs, and they have a lot to say. If you can interpret the different barks, yips, and howls of your furry friend, you’re a Sheltie parent. From the “I’m excited to see you” bark to the “there’s something suspicious outside” howl, you’ve become fluent in Sheltie-speak. Conversations with your dog are a regular occurrence, and you’ve even developed a special language of commands and cues. Your neighbors might raise an eyebrow at your animated discussions with your dog, but you know that effective communication is key to a happy Sheltie relationship.

4. You Have an Extensive Collection of Grooming Tools

Shelties have a beautiful double coat that requires regular grooming to keep it looking its best. As a Sheltie parent, you’ve amassed an impressive array of brushes, combs, and grooming supplies. You’ve learned the art of de-shedding, detangling, and trimming, and you might even consider yourself a semi-professional groomer. Regular grooming sessions are a bonding time for you and your Sheltie, and you’ve grown accustomed to the never-ending battle against loose fur. Despite the constant grooming, you wouldn’t trade your Sheltie’s luxurious coat for anything.

5. You’ve Perfected the Art of the Sheltie Smile

Shelties are known for their expressive faces and their signature smile. If you’ve mastered the art of capturing that perfect Sheltie grin on camera, you’re a Sheltie parent. Your phone is filled with photos of your dog’s happy face, and you’ve probably shared more than a few on social media. You’ve learned that a simple squeaky toy or a tasty treat can bring out the best smiles, and you take pride in showing off your Sheltie’s charming personality. Whether it’s a goofy grin or a regal pose, your Sheltie’s smile is a source of endless joy.

6. Your Life Revolves Around Sheltie Playtime

Shelties are active dogs that thrive on playtime and mental stimulation. As a Sheltie parent, you’ve dedicated a significant portion of your day to keeping your dog entertained. From fetch and tug-of-war to puzzle toys and interactive games, you’ve tried it all. You’ve become a master at inventing new games and finding creative ways to challenge your Sheltie’s mind. Playtime isn’t just an activity; it’s a way of life. You’ve come to appreciate the boundless energy and enthusiasm your Sheltie brings to every game, and you enjoy the special bond that playtime creates.

7. You’re the Go-To Sheltie Expert

If your friends and family turn to you for advice on all things Sheltie, you’re undoubtedly a Sheltie parent. Your experience with training, grooming, and caring for these unique dogs has made you a valuable resource for others. You’ve become the unofficial Sheltie ambassador, always ready to share tips, stories, and insights. Whether it’s recommending the best food, suggesting training techniques, or just sharing a funny anecdote, you’re the go-to person for Sheltie wisdom. Your passion for Shelties shines through in every conversation, and you take pride in helping others discover the joys of this wonderful breed.

Being a Sheltie parent is a rewarding and joyful experience. These intelligent, affectionate dogs bring a special kind of magic to your life, filling your days with laughter, love, and the occasional herding adventure.

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