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The 5 Biggest Myths About Dachshunds

By: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| June 29, 2023

As a long-time Dachshund owner, I’ve come to adore these charming, spirited little dogs with their distinct physique and lively personalities. Over time, however, I’ve encountered numerous myths and misconceptions about the breed. Here, I’ll tackle the top five myths about Dachshunds and shed some light on the reality of these charismatic canines.

Myth 1: Dachshunds Are Lazy

Contrary to popular belief, Dachshunds are not lazy dogs. Originating in Germany, Dachshunds were bred for hunting badgers, a task requiring high levels of energy and determination. Yes, they do enjoy a good nap, but they also require regular exercise to maintain their health and manage their energy levels. Short walks, playtime, and even agility training are perfect activities for this active breed.

Myth 2: Dachshunds are Untrainable

Dachshunds, due to their stubborn and independent nature, are often wrongly perceived as untrainable. The truth is, they are intelligent dogs with a strong desire to please their owners, which can make training achievable with a consistent and patient approach. They respond well to positive reinforcement and treats. Early socialization and obedience training can help shape a well-rounded Dachshund.

Myth 3: Dachshunds Are Not Good With Kids and Other Pets

With their small size and sometimes fiery personality, some people believe Dachshunds don’t get along well with kids and other pets. While it’s true they can be possessive or jealous, it’s all about early socialization and how they are raised. Dachshunds can live harmoniously with children and other pets if they are introduced properly and taught to respect one another’s space. Remember, supervision is essential when they are interacting with younger children to ensure safety for both parties.

Myth 4: All Dachshunds are Alike

Dachshunds come in two sizes (standard and miniature) and three coat types (smooth, wirehaired, and longhaired), which means there’s a lot of variety within the breed. People often stereotype Dachshunds as being the same, but each Dachshund’s temperament can be as varied as its appearance. Some might be outgoing and playful, while others could be more reserved and independent. This underscores the importance of meeting a Dachshund and getting to know their individual personality before bringing one into your home.

Myth 5: Dachshunds Are Prone to Health Problems and Have Short Lifespans

Dachshunds are notorious for back problems, primarily Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD), due to their elongated bodies. While it’s a condition prospective owners should be aware of, it doesn’t mean that every Dachshund will suffer from it. Regular moderate exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and avoiding activities that strain the spine (like jumping off furniture) can help prevent such issues. Many Dachshunds live long, healthy lives, often into their mid to late teens, contrary to the misconception that they have short lifespans.

In conclusion, owning a Dachshund is a unique and fulfilling experience. Like any breed, they have their quirks and challenges, but they also bring immeasurable joy and companionship. Understanding the truth behind these myths is essential for any potential Dachshund owner and can lead to a more rewarding and harmonious relationship with these captivating dogs. They may be small in size, but they have personalities large enough to fill any home with love, laughter, and the occasional dash of Dachshund stubbornness!

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