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The 5 Biggest Myths About Jack Russells

Written by: Arlene D.
| Published on July 3, 2023

I’ve been a long-time owner of Jack Russell Terriers (JRTs), and I’ve seen firsthand how these dogs are often misunderstood. There are many myths and misconceptions about JRTs, and I’m here to set the record straight.

Myth #1: Jack Russells Are Yappy

This is probably the biggest myth about JRTs. In reality, JRTs are not always yappy. They only bark when they are excited, bored, or trying to communicate something. If you train your JRT from a young age to bark only when necessary, you can minimize the amount of barking in your home.

Myth #2: Jack Russells Are Not Good With Children

This is simply not true. JRTs are actually very good with children. They are gentle and patient, and they love to play. JRTs are also very adaptable, so they can adjust to households with children of all ages.

Myth #3: Jack Russells Are Hyperactive

It’s true that JRTs are energetic dogs, but they are not hyperactive. They need plenty of exercise, but they can also be calm and relaxed when they need to be. If you provide your JRT with enough exercise, they will be happy and well-behaved.

Myth #4: Jack Russells Are Difficult to Train

JRTs are intelligent dogs, but they can also be stubborn. This means that they need consistent training from a young age. If you are patient and consistent with your training, your JRT will learn to obey your commands.

Myth #5: Jack Russells Are Not Good With Other Dogs

This is not true. JRTs can be good with other dogs, but they need to be properly socialized from a young age. This means introducing them to other dogs in a controlled environment and teaching them how to interact appropriately. With proper socialization, JRTs can be good friends with other dogs.


Jack Russell Terriers are wonderful dogs that make great companions. They are loving, gentle, and intelligent. However, they are often misunderstood and misrepresented. I hope this blog post has helped to dispel some of the myths about JRTs.

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