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The 12 Clingiest Dog Breeds Who Stick To You Like Glue

Written by: Arlene D.
| Published on April 29, 2024

Dogs are known for their loyalty and companionship, traits that have earned them the moniker “man’s best friend.” However, certain breeds exhibit these traits to a higher degree, displaying what many would consider an excessive attachment to their owners. These “velcro” dogs are characterized by their desire to be near their people at all times, often following them from room to room and showing distress when separated. This behavior is not just about loyalty; it also reflects the social nature of canines who historically lived and worked closely with humans. This article explores the twelve clingiest dog breeds, renowned for sticking to their owners like glue.

1. Vizsla

The Vizsla, originally bred in Hungary to work as a pointer and retriever, is often referred to as a “velcro dog” due to its extremely affectionate nature. This breed craves physical contact and forms strong emotional bonds with its family members. Vizslas are known for their gentle demeanor and sensitive disposition, which makes them keenly attuned to the emotions of their owners. They thrive on attention and affection, often standing or lying as close as possible to their humans. If you’re away from home, don’t be surprised to find a Vizsla waiting right by the door, or even attempting to follow you to work if given a chance. Their need for companionship and exercise makes them ideal for active families who can provide them with plenty of love and activities.

2. Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retrievers are not only one of the most popular dog breeds in many countries but also among the clingiest. Labs are known for their friendly and outgoing nature, and they form strong, enduring bonds with their family members. This breed is incredibly social and prefers not to be left alone for long periods, often resulting in destructive behavior or depression if neglected. Labs are happiest when participating in family activities, whether it’s a hike, a ride in the car, or simply watching TV. They are excellent companions for children and tend to follow their family members around the house with a wagging tail and an expectant look, always ready for play or a cuddle.

3. Golden Retriever

Much like their Labrador cousins, Golden Retrievers are highly sociable and attached to their owners. They were originally bred to retrieve game in hunting settings, which required them to be closely attuned to their human partners. Today, this translates into a breed that is seldom far from its owner’s side. Goldens are particularly known for their gentle and patient temperament, which makes them superb family dogs. They thrive on interaction and are distressed by separation, often greeting their owners with exuberant joy after even short periods of absence. A Golden Retriever will stick by your side during daily activities, always eager to please and participate.

4. Italian Greyhound

The Italian Greyhound is a smaller cousin of the standard Greyhound and shares the breed’s characteristic affection and loyalty towards owners. Known for their elegant appearance and affectionate nature, Italian Greyhounds form very close bonds with their caregivers. They are somewhat timid and can be overly dependent on their human companions, often following them around the house and seeking comfort and warmth under blankets or between cushions where their owner sits. Due to their delicate structure and emotional sensitivity, they are best suited for households where they can receive a lot of attention and aren’t left alone frequently.

5. French Bulldog

French Bulldogs, with their bat-like ears and distinctive expressions, are not only adorable but also incredibly reliant on human company. They are very loving and enjoy being involved in everything that their owner does, from watching TV to sleeping in bed. Frenchies are not very active, so they are happy to spend much of the day just lounging around as long as they are next to their beloved human. This breed can suffer from separation anxiety if left alone too often, making them a perfect choice for people who spend a lot of time at home.

6. Border Collie

Border Collies are not only one of the smartest dog breeds but also one of the clingiest. Known for their intense stare, or “eye,” with which they control sheep, they tend to use the same behavior to interact with their human family. Border Collies are work-oriented and thrive on having tasks to perform, but they also form intense attachments to their owners. They are happiest when they can be part of all family activities and can become anxious when left alone. A Border Collie will follow you around, always ready for commands or tasks, and makes an excellent companion for active individuals or families who can involve them in daily activities and exercise.

7. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are the quintessential lap dog, bred for centuries to warm the laps of royalty. Today, they continue to exhibit this behavior with anyone who will let them snuggle up close. Cavaliers are extremely dependent on human contact and display a sweet, gentle demeanor that makes them beloved by many. They are not happy when left alone and will usually seek the company of another human or animal when their owner is away. This breed’s need for affection is almost insatiable, and they will often move from lap to lap in social situations to ensure they receive constant petting and cuddles.

8. Shih Tzu

Historically, Shih Tzus were a house pet for most of the Ming Dynasty, and their role as a companion dog has not changed much over the centuries. They are known for their friendly nature and the strong bonds they form with their owners. Shih Tzus are true companion dogs and demand to be a central part of the family. They enjoy following their people from room to room, sitting on laps, and generally participating in all aspects of domestic life. Their clinginess can sometimes be seen as needy, but for many Shih Tzu owners, it is just part of their considerable charm.

9. Bichon Frise

Bichon Frises are small, happy dogs that love attention and are always ready for a cuddle. With their fluffy white coats and cheerful dispositions, Bichons make excellent companions, particularly for families and the elderly. They are very social and do not like being left alone, often suffering from separation anxiety if they do not feel part of the family action. Bichons are playful and interact well with children and other pets, but their favorite place is always right next to their human.

10. Chihuahua

Chihuahuas may be tiny, but their attachment to their owners is huge. Known for their loyalty and protectiveness, these small dogs can be incredibly clingy. They tend to bond with a single person, showing favoritism and sometimes even jealousy. Chihuahuas demand a lot of attention and can become anxious if they feel neglected. Despite their size, they are quite brave and will often challenge larger dogs if they feel their territory or their human is threatened.

11. Doberman Pinscher

Dobermans are powerful, intelligent dogs known for their loyalty and protective instincts towards their owners. Despite their fierce reputation, they are often big softies with their families. Dobermans are known to be particularly clingy, always staying close to their human pack, especially the children. They are often used as personal protection dogs both because of their intimidating appearance and their deep devotion to their handlers.

12. German Shepherd

German Shepherds are one of the most versatile and intelligent dog breeds, and their loyalty to their human family is unmatched. They were originally bred for herding but have adapted to various roles, including companion animals. German Shepherds are known for their deep connection to their owners, often anticipating their needs and moods. Their protective nature can sometimes make them wary of strangers, but they are incredibly affectionate and clingy with their family members.

Each of these breeds shows an immense capacity for love and loyalty, often expressed through their clingy nature. While this list showcases breeds that are particularly fond of human companionship, it’s important to remember that individual personalities vary, and plenty of mixed breeds are also known for their loving, velcro-like tendencies. For potential dog owners looking for a furry friend that will stick closely by their side, these breeds are certainly worth considering.