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The 15 Most Patient Dog Breeds On The Planet

Written by: Ejay Camposano
A college graduate with a degree in Electrical Engineering, Ejay has a diverse background that combines technical expertise with a passion for pets and is now one of the content writers at IHD. Read more
| Published on April 14, 2024

Patience is a virtue, especially when it comes to selecting the right dog breed for your family or lifestyle. Patient dogs are particularly suited to households with children, elderly owners, or first-time pet parents, offering a forgiving and steady temperament that can handle unexpected situations and stressful moments with grace. These dogs often exhibit a calm demeanor, showing tolerance and restraint in the face of hectic environments or during training sessions. The following list highlights the 15 most patient dog breeds, renowned for their ability to maintain composure and offer gentle companionship in various settings.

1. Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retrievers top this list due to their renowned patience and gentle nature, making them one of the most popular family dogs worldwide. Labs are particularly good with children, displaying a tolerant attitude that helps them cope with unpredictable behavior. Their intelligence and eagerness to please make training a straightforward task, further demonstrating their patient demeanor. Labrador Retrievers are versatile, adapting to many living situations while consistently offering kindness and companionship.

2. Golden Retriever

Similar to their Labrador cousins, Golden Retrievers are epitomes of patience. Known for their friendly and tolerant behavior, Goldens excels in environments where gentle interaction is valued, such as in therapy and assistance roles. Their patient nature is complemented by an intelligence that makes them highly trainable. Golden Retrievers thrive on human companionship and are patient enough to handle the boisterous activities of growing children.

3. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a breed that exudes patience, often described as the perfect lap dog. Their small size and affectionate nature make them ideal for families and elderly individuals alike. Cavaliers are patient with grooming and handling, and their calm demeanor makes them excellent companions for relaxed home environments. They bond deeply with their owners and show remarkable patience for sitting quietly by their side.

4. Newfoundland

Newfoundlands are gentle giants renowned for their patience, especially around children. Their large size belies a docile nature that is perfect for families. Known historically as “nanny dogs,” Newfoundlands have a protective instinct that pairs with inherent patience, making them trustworthy around even the smallest family members. Their calmness and stoic nature help them to handle chaotic household situations with grace.

5. Collie

Collies are not only famous for their role on television as Lassie but also for their patient and protective characteristics. They are particularly patient when trained and interact well with children, often taking a gentle, guiding role. Collies are sensitive to their owners’ needs and will patiently work to please them, whether through performing tasks or providing companionship.

6. Basset Hound

Basset Hounds are known for their laid-back personality and patient temperament. Their slow pace and tolerant nature make them suitable for families who prefer a less active dog. Bassets are patient with grooming and handling, and their calm demeanor makes them good companions for children, although their size and strength require supervision during play to ensure they do not accidentally topple a small child.

7. Saint Bernard

Saint Bernards are the epitome of patience and endurance, originally bred for rescue in the Swiss Alps. Their size and strength are matched by a calm and patient demeanor, suitable for families with children. Saint Bernards are known for being gentle and patient, even in chaotic environments, making them excellent family pets.

8. Irish Wolfhound

The Irish Wolfhound, known for being the tallest of dog breeds, also carries a reputation for patience. These gentle giants are known for their calm and composed demeanor, displaying patience with family members and during training. Their size requires early training to ensure they can be managed properly, but their natural patience makes them a joy to work with.

9. Great Dane

Great Danes are another giant breed that showcases a significant amount of patience. Despite their imposing appearance, they are known as gentle giants who are patient with children and other animals. They take a calm and measured approach to life, which helps in situations that require a gentle touch.

10. English Bulldog

English Bulldogs may look gruff, but they are among the most patient and loving breeds. They typically enjoy lounging around the house and are patient enough to tolerate poking and prodding from young children. Bulldogs are known for their loving, nonchalant attitude towards life and make excellent pets for less active households.

11. Shih Tzu

Shih Tzus are small, affectionate dogs known for their patience and love of companionship. They are particularly good with families and the elderly because they prefer a relaxed lifestyle and are patient with handling and grooming. Their friendly disposition makes them ideal for households looking for a calm, affectionate pet.

12. Boxer

Boxers are known for their energetic personality, but they are also incredibly patient, especially with children. They are playful and protective, often using their energy in a positive way to engage with family members. Boxers are patient during training and enjoy learning new things, making them excellent family pets.

13. Pug

Pugs are well-loved for their sociable and gentle personalities, and their patience makes them excellent companions for owners of all ages. They are particularly tolerant of children and enjoy being part of a family. Pugs are patient with their health issues, often enduring without complaint, which is important for owners to monitor closely.

14. American Staffordshire Terrier

American Staffordshire Terriers are often misunderstood, but they are incredibly patient, especially with children. They are affectionate and protective, willing to participate in family activities with enthusiasm and patience. Proper training and socialization are crucial for this breed to ensure they express their patience positively.

15. Bernese Mountain Dog

Bernese Mountain Dogs are known for their calm and patient nature. They are excellent with children and other pets, showing a slow and deliberate approach to life. Their patience makes them great for families looking for a steady, loving companion.

These 15 dog breeds exemplify patience, each bringing a unique set of qualities that make them ideal for various family settings. Whether through calm demeanor, tolerance in training, or gentle interactions with children, these breeds prove that patience in a dog is an invaluable trait that enhances their ability to bond with humans and adapt to diverse living environments.