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The 7 Most Unusual Habits of French Bulldogs

By: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| April 12, 2024

French Bulldogs, with their distinctive bat-like ears and compact, muscular bodies, have soared in popularity due to their charming personalities and adaptable nature. Originating from England and later cultivated in France, these small dogs were initially bred as companions for lace makers and eventually found their way into the hearts of city dwellers around the world. Known for their playful yet laid-back demeanor, French Bulldogs also display a range of quirky habits that reflect their unique breed characteristics and endearing idiosyncrasies. These behaviors often stem from their brachycephalic face structure, their history as companion animals, and their general disposition. This article explores seven of the most unusual habits of French Bulldogs, offering insights into how each behavior manifests and how owners can manage them effectively to ensure a happy and healthy life for their pets.

1. “Frog-Leg” Sitting

French Bulldogs often exhibit the amusing habit of lying flat on their stomachs with their hind legs spread out behind them, resembling a frog. This position, commonly referred to as the “frog-leg” sit, is not only cute but also a comfortable posture that allows them to fully relax their hips and spine. Given their unusual proportions and stocky build, this position can provide relief from any pressure on their joints. While generally harmless, if a French Bulldog consistently shows discomfort in other positions or during movement, a vet check-up might be prudent to rule out any underlying health issues.

2. Love for Talking

Unlike many breeds that primarily communicate through barking, French Bulldogs tend to “talk” using a complex array of yips, yawns, and gargles. This vocal behavior can be quite expressive and seems to be their way of engaging in conversation with their owners. The sounds can vary depending on their mood, ranging from excited and playful to concerned or demanding attention. Engaging back with your French Bulldog when they vocalize like this can strengthen your bond, but it’s important to distinguish between normal communication and vocalizations that might indicate distress or health problems.

3. Heat Sensitivity

Due to their flat faces, French Bulldogs are extremely sensitive to heat and can easily become overheated and suffer from breathing difficulties in hot weather. They often seek out cool surfaces like tile floors or shaded areas to lie down. Owners need to be particularly vigilant about providing a cool environment, especially during the summer, and avoid vigorous exercise during hot periods of the day. Regular indoor activities that keep them cool and stimulated are essential for their well-being.

4. Obsession with Snuggling

French Bulldogs are notorious for their need to snuggle and will often burrow into blankets, cuddle up on laps, or lie close to other dogs or cats in the household. This behavior is a reflection of their breeding as companion dogs, where close physical contact was encouraged. It’s important to provide lots of affection and physical comfort to meet their emotional needs, although it’s also necessary to teach them some independence to prevent separation anxiety.

5. Food Guarding

Some French Bulldogs can develop a habit of guarding their food aggressively. This can stem from their instinctive drive to protect their resources. It’s important to address this behavior early, using positive reinforcement training to teach them that they do not need to guard their meals. Regular, calm feeding routines and perhaps feeding them in a quiet, undisturbed area can help prevent this behavior from becoming problematic.

6. Spontaneous Zoomies

Despite their laid-back nature, French Bulldogs can suddenly burst into frantic runs around the house, commonly known as “zoomies.” These bursts of energy are a healthy expression of joy and a way to release pent-up energy. Encouraging regular playtime and providing ample space for such bursts can help manage their energy levels and contribute to their physical health.

7. Difficulty Swimming

French Bulldogs are not natural swimmers due to their heavy front bodies and short snouts, which make it difficult for them to keep their noses above water. Owners should be cautious around bodies of water and consider a doggy life jacket if water exposure is unavoidable. Teaching them to swim in a safe, controlled environment can help mitigate the risk of drowning.

French Bulldogs, with their array of peculiar habits, offer a unique blend of comedy, affection, and companionship. Understanding these behaviors is key to providing them with a fulfilling life and can help strengthen the bond between this charismatic breed and their owners. By managing their unusual habits with care and consideration, owners can ensure that their French Bulldogs are not only well-behaved but also happy and healthy companions.

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