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This Dog Has The Patience Of A Tibetan Monk

How patient is your dog?

Some of us have trained our dogs to be patient by presenting them with a treat and ask them to wait till we say the command that it’s okay to eat the treat. But would your dog still be able to control himself from eating the treat even if you’ve left the room for a couple of minutes? I’m sure mine would gobble it right up the second I walk out the room!

But the dog in the video below is so patient that when his human left two cookies on the table, asked him to wait, and then left the room, he was still able to control himself and resist the temptation from eating the delicious cookies. He waited for his human to come back, and then he was given one cookie as a reward. Then his human left the room again, and he still was able to resist the urge to eat the cookie left on the table! Check out the video below!

What a patient dog! He sure was tempted to eat that cookie, but he was able to resist it!

Do you think your dog can do this too? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!

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