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This Home Camera Lets Your Pet Send You Selfies While You’re At Work

Don’t you just wish that you could stay connected with your dog when you go out the house? It would be nice if we can check up on them and see how they’re doing while we’re at work. Imagine being in a boring meeting, and then suddenly your dog sends you a selfie of himself, that would definitely cheer you up right? Well now that’s possible! Thanks to PetBot!

PetBot is world’s first ever smartphone for pets. Well it’s actually a treat dispenser with a cool built-in high-tech camera. This awesome camera lets your pet send you a selfie automatically. And not just that, it has more cool features too! Check out the video below and see how it works!

Amazing, right!? This is what we dog lovers have been waiting for! A way to keep connected with our pets when we’re not home! This is so cool!

Learn more about PetBot at their website at You can also check out and support this awesome technology at their IndieGoGo page.

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