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Tips To Dog Proof Your Home For A New Dog

| April 23, 2015


Most new parents baby proof their home before an infant can move around on their own, but think nothing of letting a puppy explore unattended. There are as many hazards to dogs in the home as there are for babies. How could an owner keep their four legged companions safe? By going room to room and removing potentially dangerous items.

Cleaning Supplies

Most people appreciate the easy access of keeping cleaning supplies under the kitchen sink. Dogs appreciate nudging those doors open to see what’s under there. Child safety latches are inexpensive and can be found in most grocery stores. They are also incredibly easy to install and deter most dogs from investigating further.

Garbage Explorers

There are some breeds that are natural scavengers and the trash bin is a treasure trove of delights waiting to be explored. They are drawn to the scent, become overwhelmed and knock it over to investigate further. Invest in a covered bin; one where the lid takes a bit of effort to remove. Weight the bottom down with bricks or cinder blocks (depending on the strength of the dog) before putting the bag in.

General Hazards

The most common hazard in any room of the house are cords that lay on the ground out in the open. A dog with a tendency to chew (not all of them outgrow the chewing phase) will gravitate to cords and receive a shock when they get down to the wire. Get the cords up off the floor if possible. If not, rearrange the furniture so there is no way for the dog to get to the cords. For permanent cords, most hardware stores sell cord covers; pieces of hard plastic that fit easily over the cords, keeping pets and owners safe.


Plants can go either way. Some are safe for pets and others would cause severe distress if ingested. Houseplants should be put up, away from exploring teeth until they are deemed safe. In the garden, keep dogs from digging and chewing by burying chicken wire or putting up a small fence. Some owners live with a digging breed. It’s in their DNA. Redirect their attention from the garden to a new spot, one they are allowed to dig in. Bury some toys or other treasures for them to find and play with. It will make their site much more appealing than the boring plant site.

Check the yard periodically to make sure no one has thrown garbage or other dangerous items onto the property as they passed. It happens more often than one might think. People passing by may toss things they no longer need, a dog that is let out later finds what was discarded and ends up in the veterinary ER.

Keeping the living area safe for dogs is as easy as one– two– buckle the chewed up shoe

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