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Top 9 Dog Breeds Most Likely to Steal Your Food

By: Ejay Camposano
A college graduate with a degree in Electrical Engineering, Ejay has a diverse background that combines technical expertise with a passion for pets and is now one of the content writers at IHD. Read more
| February 27, 2024

When it comes to food, some dog breeds exhibit a cunning aptitude that rivals the craftiness of seasoned thieves. Whether it’s a stealthy snatch from your plate when you’re not looking or a well-timed dive onto the dinner table, certain breeds have turned food theft into an art form. This mischievous behavior often stems from their incredible sense of smell, insatiable appetite, or just sheer opportunism. While these food-stealing escapades can sometimes be amusing, they also highlight the importance of proper training and dietary management to prevent overeating and maintain a healthy lifestyle. This article dives into the top 9 dog breeds most likely to steal your food, exploring the reasons behind their sneaky behavior and offering insights into how to curb their thieving ways without curbing their enthusiasm for life.

1. Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retrievers are well-known for their friendly disposition and boundless energy, but they also have a notorious reputation for being food thieves. Their strong food drive can lead them to snatch unattended meals without a second thought. Labs are highly intelligent and can quickly learn where food is stored or how to open doors to get to their next snack. Their lovable nature often forgives their food-stealing antics, but owners need to be vigilant about securing food and teaching Labs self-control.

2. Beagle

Beagles, with their exceptional sense of smell, are masters at detecting food from afar and will go to great lengths to procure a bite. This breed’s hunting background means they are naturally inclined to follow their nose, which unfortunately for their owners, often leads straight to the kitchen. Beagles are clever and persistent, capable of opening cabinets and navigating obstacles to reach their desired treats. Training and consistent reinforcement of boundaries are key to managing their food-seeking behavior.

3. Dachshund

Dachshunds may be small, but their appetite for adventure (and food) is huge. Their long bodies and short legs don’t hinder their ability to jump onto chairs and tables in pursuit of food. Dachshunds are known for their determination, and when it comes to food, they are surprisingly inventive in finding ways to reach their target. Keeping food out of reach and engaging Dachshunds in regular exercise can help mitigate their food-stealing tendencies.

4. Boxer

Boxers are energetic and playful dogs that are also known to take a chance at stealing food when the opportunity arises. Their athleticism allows them to reach places one wouldn’t expect, making them skilled food thieves. Boxers are motivated by both boredom and hunger, so keeping them physically and mentally stimulated is essential. Training them early to respect food boundaries is crucial in curbing their enthusiasm for unauthorized snacks.

5. Bulldog

Bulldogs may seem too laid-back to bother with stealing food, but their stubbornness and food motivation say otherwise. They might not be the quickest snatchers, but they are opportunistic and will take advantage of any food left unattended at their level. Bulldogs’ charming demeanor often lets them get away with their food heists, but consistent training and supervision during meal times can help reduce their chances of success.

6. Golden Retriever

Golden Retrievers are another breed with a voracious appetite, making them likely candidates for food theft. Their gentle nature doesn’t extend to food, as they can be quite cunning in finding ways to access forbidden treats. Goldens are intelligent and trainable, which means with the right guidance, they can learn to curb their counter-surfing habits. However, their love for food requires owners to be cautious and consistent in their training efforts.

7. Siberian Husky

Siberian Huskies are not just escape artists; they’re also adept at stealing food. Their intelligence and dexterity make them capable of opening doors and drawers to find food. Huskies have a strong prey drive, which translates into a keen interest in anything edible. Their energetic nature means they need ample exercise, but it also means they’re always on the lookout for the next meal, requiring secure storage and vigilance from their owners.

8. Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russell Terriers are small, energetic dogs with a big appetite for food and adventure. Their agility and intelligence make them skilled at navigating obstacles to reach their food targets. Jack Russells are determined and can be quite inventive in their methods of food theft, often outsmarting their owners. Training and keeping them engaged in activities can help manage their mischievous tendencies.

9. Cocker Spaniel

Cocker Spaniels are known for their sweet nature, but they also have a sneaky side when it comes to food. Their strong sense of smell and love for treats can lead them to become adept food thieves. Cockers are quick and can quietly snatch food without being noticed. Ensuring that food is not left unattended and providing plenty of exercise can help keep their sneaky snacking in check.

These breeds, with their combination of intelligence, agility, and sheer determination, pose a unique challenge for their owners. While their food-stealing antics can be frustrating, understanding the motivation behind their behavior and implementing consistent training can help manage their culinary capers. A combination of secure food storage, mental stimulation, and physical exercise can keep these clever canines healthy and prevent them from turning every mealtime into an opportunity for theft.