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Top 10 Dog Breeds That Look Like They’re From Another Planet

Written by: Ejay Camposano
A college graduate with a degree in Electrical Engineering, Ejay has a diverse background that combines technical expertise with a passion for pets and is now one of the content writers at IHD. Read more
| Published on April 19, 2024

The animal kingdom is rife with diversity, and the world of dogs is no exception. Some breeds boast such unique physical traits that they seem as if they could have sprung from the imagination of a science fiction writer, rather than through the selective breeding processes of humans. These dogs may have unusual coats, striking body shapes, or otherworldly expressions that set them apart in the canine crowd. This article explores the top ten dog breeds that look like they could be from another planet, each with distinct characteristics that are not only fascinating but also captivatingly alien.

1. Chinese Crested

The Chinese Crested dog is perhaps one of the most extraterrestrial-looking breeds in the canine world. With its striking combination of hairless body and tufts of hair on the head, tail, and paws, this breed could easily be mistaken for a character from a fantasy film. The skin of the hairless variety comes in a variety of colors and can be spotted or solid. This breed’s elegant and graceful movements, combined with its unusual appearance, make the Chinese Crested a captivating and otherworldly sight.

2. Xoloitzcuintli

The Xoloitzcuintli, or Xolo, is known for its sparse hair and often totally hairless body, which highlights its sleek, elegant form and bat-like ears. Originating from Mexico, the Xolo has been revered since ancient times as a sacred animal, believed to have healing properties. Its alien-like appearance is accentuated by its deep, thoughtful eyes and a body that radiates an almost mythical aura. The breed comes in three sizes, making it versatile as well as visually striking.

3. Neapolitan Mastiff

The Neapolitan Mastiff, with its massive size and extensive facial wrinkles, looks like it stepped out of a prehistoric landscape. This breed’s skin appears almost melted, with folds draping more folds, creating a surreal, almost sculpted look. The Neapolitan Mastiff’s solemn expressions and slow movements give it a formidable presence that seems as though it could belong to a guardian creature from another world.

4. Afghan Hound

With its regal bearing and dramatic silky coat, the Afghan Hound possesses an exotic beauty that seems to transcend earthly origins. The breed’s tall, slender build and long, flowing mane give it a graceful, almost ethereal quality. The deep-set, almond-shaped eyes of the Afghan Hound exude an almost mystical wisdom, reinforcing the breed’s otherworldly appearance.

Afghan Hound

5. Bedlington Terrier

The Bedlington Terrier could easily be mistaken for a lamb on first glance, due to its unique curly and woolly coat. This breed’s body is somewhat pear-shaped, and its head has a distinctive rounded top that enhances its unusual profile. The Bedlington’s light, springy gait adds to its peculiar charm, making it appear as if it might belong more to a fantasy realm than our own.

6. Borzoi

The Borzoi, or Russian Wolfhound, with its elongated snout, tall, slender body, and silky, flowing coat, carries an air of aristocratic mystery. This breed looks as if it could sprint through the steppes of another planet, chasing unknown creatures with its incredible speed. The Borzoi’s graceful, curvaceous form and ethereal presence are mesmerizing, making it one of the most visually stunning and otherworldly of dog breeds.

7. Peruvian Inca Orchid

The Peruvian Inca Orchid is an elegant sighthound that often appears entirely hairless, except for maybe a mohawk on the top of its head and sparse tufts on the lower body. Its skin can be of various colors and sometimes spotted, contributing to a truly alien look. This breed is not just visually unique; its warm skin is said to feel like a hot water bottle, adding to its unusual tactile experience.

8. Puli

The Puli is famous for its distinctive coat of long, corded dreadlocks, which make it look more like a moving mop than a dog. This breed’s unique coat serves as a natural protection against harsh weather, but visually, it sets the Puli apart as one of the most otherworldly breeds. Watching a Puli run is like observing a piece of animated carpet, making it both a comical and surreal sight.

9. Komondor

Like the Puli, the Komondor possesses a striking coat of heavy, felt-like cords, but on a much larger scale. This breed often appears like a giant mop with a canine hidden somewhere beneath the dense cords. The Komondor’s coat is functional, originally meant to protect it from wolf bites as it guarded livestock. Its imposing size and extraordinary appearance make it look like it could be the guardian of an alien flock.

10. Bergamasco Sheepdog

The Bergamasco Sheepdog, with its unique “felted” coat consisting of mats and flocks, looks like a creature from a distant snowy planet. This breed’s coat is designed to protect it from the harsh Alpine winters, but visually, it gives the Bergamasco an almost mythical appearance. The mats grow throughout the dog’s life, eventually reaching the ground, which adds to its unusual and striking appearance.

These ten dog breeds, with their unique and sometimes bizarre features, truly look like they could come from another planet. Their extraordinary appearances not only make them stand out in the dog world but also enrich the diversity within the canine species. Whether their traits were developed for functional purposes or are simply byproducts of selective breeding, these breeds exemplify how varied and fascinating nature can be. Each breed holds a special place in the world of dogs, captivating those who appreciate their unusual beauty and alien-like characteristics.