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Home Forums Breeds Dachshunds In The Words of a Dachshund

Blitz's Blast

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    • #137372

      My momma named me Blitz, maybe sometimes because I leave her hair looking rather frizzed. I was brought to her when I was very small, but she’s loved me ever since. She plays with me, throws my toys for me, chases me, and lets me chase squirrels and dig for moles. I love to dig. Sometimes when I do though, I have to get a bath after because my face and paws get really dirty. I sit on the windowsill while she’s at work and as soon as she walks through the door I greet her with a wagging tail and a bunch of kisses. My big brother Cache plays with me too so I don’t get lonely. My momma is my favorite human. She lets me sit in her lap on the couch, takes me for rides in the car so I can bark at everything I see, and lets me sleep in the bed with her at night. I am thankful to have such a great life. I will also catch that squirrel one day…

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