Hi everybody,
My name is Marty.
My purpose in life was to meet my mom, and show her that everything will be ok. You see, she suffers from Generalized Anxiety Disorder and has repetitive thoughts that plague her daily of things that she can’t control. My job is to distract her, and show her unconditional love, and in return she has spoiled me rotten, and cuddled me hours on end, and plays with me too! My Daddy is also my favorite human too. I’m really attached to him. It makes my mom so happy to know that not only does she think the world of me, but so does my Daddy.
I often hear her say that she doesn’t get as anxious that much, and the things that used to bother her don’t bother her as much anymore.
I’m fulfilling my life’s purpose and it feels so good to be able to do that!