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excessive licking of floors and drooling

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    • #211803

      My shih tzu just started excessively licking the floor like crazy. He runs around licking and he looks like he has something caught in his throat. It last from 15 minutes to half an hour and then he drinks a ton of water and he stops for awhile. I am taking him to the vet but I just wanted to know if anyone else’s dog does this too.

    • #214944

      The first thing I thought of was focal seizures. I had asked friends about my dog’s behavior during this time and everybody said it was normal. It was not. In my dog’s case, he would pace frantically, around the house, up to 4 hours. He seemed disoriented, panted a lot, drank a lot of water, and relieved himself. Each month, they came closer and closer and more severe. During the last two seizures, he cried. I had to take him to the rainbow bridge last month. I do not want to scare you, but want to reassure you that taking him to the vet is the best thing you can do. If you have a chance to take a video, do it, because your vet probably won’t address it unless he has proof.

    • #230288

      My shihtzu goes around the house licking the floors like there’s something in his throat, doesn’t happen often he doesn’t drool, he just acts like he’s frantic to get something out of his throat. I asked our vet and he said its a behavior, like stress. I give him small bites of a Popsicle and it gets better pretty quick, I also give him a benedryl., I believe his throat swells due to allergies and he’s trying to relieve it. He has skin allergies and constant ear infections, he’s allergic to turkey and chicken proteins so I have him on lamb dog food, it is a little better but He still has itchy ears and gets ear and eye infections.

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