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Finally Loved

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    • #210943
      Sandi Templin

      My Name is Maggie!
      Someone owned me and let other dogs bite me for fun. That made me sad and afraid. I was taken away and put in a shelter. I was sick. The shelter didn’t want me either but I was told I was rescued. A nice man took me to get better. My heart heart. They said it had worms in it, but I don’t know how they got there. My eyes were sick too! They had something called ulcers in them, I didn’t see very good. One day a man and woman came to visit me. That made me happy and I smiled at them. I heard them say it was love at first sight. The woman named Mommy came back and I got to go for a ride. We went to a place called home! I got a Daddy and a Sister too! Even a CAT! Even tho I don’t like the pills Daddy gives me he says I’m all better and I can see now and my heart doesn’t hurt anymore! My sister says I’m the most beautiful girl in the world! I think we both are!

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