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I finally got my forever home

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    • #185405

      Hi my name is maddie but my new mum and dad call me moo moos I’m 7 years old. I had a bad puppyhood my 1st owners made me have lots and lots of puppies until my womb collapsed it really hurt when I found my new mum I couldn’t sit down properly it hurt that much mum said I was used as a breeding bitch at a puppy farm after that they didnt want me because i couldnt have more puppies I went to a families house but didnt stay there long because they worked a lot and I was always by myself. They were friends with my new mum and dad and they were asked if they wanted me but I wasn’t Expecting them to say yes because nobody wanted me but they said she’s beautiful and we’ll have her. I’ve been here ever since they took me to the vet and I had an operation so I could sit properly and not be in pain and I’ve got loads of toys and get treats the best thing I love is the kisses and cuddles I get loads. I know I’m wanted here and I love it here I love you mum and dad xxx p.s mums phone won’t let me put my picture up but I am very cute xx

    • #187524

      Hello! Please post a photo of your Boxer so we can share it on the I Love My Boxer Facebook page. 🙂

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